Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Posted by eljamieson at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Well, I've been absent from the blog world lately. You might think it's because I have a 2 month old and am too busy but in reality our computer is broken and we've yet to get Internet thus explaining my absence. I have wifi from Matts phone for a minute so I'll do a quick update Charlotte is growing up way to fast! I was bathing her tonight and thinking how sad it is she is the last little peanut I'll get to bath and love. She is a really good natured baby, not sleeping through the night but also not up for hours screaming in the night! I just love her so so so much!Greta is adjusting well to the new house. Her vocabulary has exploded and she makes me laugh every day at the things that come out of her mouth. She is counting, recognizing colors and working on learning the alphabet. She is also turning into a little mother. Her dolls are quickly becoming her favourite toy as well as her purse, picnic basket and play food. We had to take her toy purse to school and out shopping this week. In the new year I need to find a program for her to do on one of the days Vaughn is in school. Have I mentioned how much I love my Greta? Full of life, joy and love, she is my sweetie!Vaughn has tackled his new school like a pro. He has a girlfriend, Kennedy at his new school. Most of his school stories involve her, it's very very cute! We had a few tears when I wasnt told about cookie day and so I didn't send money for him to get a cookie and over not getting his outdoor shoes on fast enough but he continues to surprise me with his adaptability to the curves we keep throwing him. He also loves our new church and going to the Wednesday night program. Miss Margaret does an amazing job with the kids at freedom! Have I mentioned how much I love Vaughn. He is constantly surprising me with how smart he is, reading small words, adding and colouring and creating at the craft station I set up for him. He is also my joy and my life!It has been so wonderful being together as a family. I missed our family! Matt has been learning how to install metal roofs and is working with another contractor on fixing up some co-op houses in Cambridge. The Lord continues to be faithful by providing work even though the weather has turned cold. Matt is in the churches Christmas production and worship team. We've met so many amazing people here in Kitchener. I'm adjusting too. I find that I am a bit lonely, missing Time for Ladies, Lori, Ashley and my job in Edmonton. But I've only been here a month so I still have lots of time to find a new Mom's program and connect. It had been so nice being back with Rob and Trac, I knew I missed them but I didn't realize how much until we are together again. It is also amazing being close to family. I've been in Kitchener a month and I've already been back to visit twice and I'm planning on staying a week over Christmas. Seeing my kids really know my Mom, Grandparents and sisters and brother in laws means so much! Quick update without too many details, hopefully after Christmas we'll have Internet and a working computer again. I'm attempting to sew the kids Christmas presents this year so I'm sure I'll have a full blog about the gong show that, me sewing turns out to be :)Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Charlotte Catherine Sharon Jamieson

Posted by eljamieson at 11:20 AM 2 comments
My new baby girl is finally here and as I sit down to write this post she has started squeaking on me again.  I'll see how far I can get before I start typing with one hand :)

Here is the story of Charlotte's arrival

I don't know where I got this idea from but somewhere in the last month of my pregnancy I became convinced that I would have Charlotte early.  Not weeks early or anything like that but maybe a day or two, Vaughn and Greta both came right on time and for some reason I just had it in my head she would come before her due date.  Well I was most definetly wrong about that!  You'd think by my third baby I'd know better but alas I did not. 

I love being pregnant, I think I've mentioned this before.  I don't love the heartburn and the aches and pains but I love feeling my baby move and having that special time with them.  That being said I'm never really in a hurry to have them on the outside, I don't mind waiting and taking my time.  This pregnancy was different though, with Matt living two hours away I had this constant anxiety that he was going to miss our baby being born and that was not exceptable to me!  So the Saturday before my due date when I thought I was in labour poor Matt made a quick drive from Hamilton to Petrolia after a day of me calling and crying and not knowing what to do (gotta love pregnancy hormones :) )

I'll rewind, thanksgiving weekend arrived as did the Brigden Fair.  For those of you non-lambton county people, the Brigden Fair is the biggest fall fair around and is THE fair to go to.  My grandparents go every year and I often got to go with them.  The plan this year was to take the kids with my grandparents to the fair, I love fairs, I love the atmasphere, watching the kids take it all in, I just love it.  So when I decided I wasn't up to going you have to understand that I really thought I was in labor.  I had contractions off and on all day and generally just felt awful.  This was kind of how I started my labor with Greta so I decided that this must be it and asked Matt to come.  We loaded up and headed to the hopsital in Sarnia because by this time I had realized that there was no way I was driving in the car for two hours to deliver a baby in Kitchener (I finally made the decision on where to have this baby it just took me thinking I was in labor to do it).  Once we got to the hospital it turned out I wasn't really in labor, although they did tell me I could stay the night and see if things kept going.  I opted to go home because I would rather sleep in my own bed than a hospital bed! 

The next morning there was still no baby, Matt and I did some power walking to see if I could convince her to come but no such luck.  We were of to Chatham that night for thanksgiving with the Shaw side of the family when just as we are ready to leave I thought my water broke . . . back to the hospital we go only to find out nope no water breaking and no baby today.  The only good thing that came out of my multiple trips to the hospital is that Dr. Rutledge suggested she take me on as a patient so I have a dr. locally and could do my last few prenatal appointments in Sarnia.  This turned out to be a huge blessing as Dr. Rutledge really is amazing!  At my next appointment she suggested we book an induction date since Matt needed to get back to Kitchener.

4 days past my due date, we loaded up and headed in to the hospital but this time was different because I knew I would be coming home with my new baby girl.  Being induced worked our nicely because I was able to plan out childcare and have everything lined up and ready to go.  Here is how the morning went for Vaughn and Greta

Wake up with Grandma
Grandma got them up, ready and took Vaughn to school.  (After dropping Vaughn off she joined us at the hospital)
8:30 - 11:30 shift with Greta was Uncle John - he took her to Mommy and Me at the church and she had a blast
11:30 - 4:30 pm was with Hannah with John picking Vaughn up from school and dropping him off at home
4:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Hannah and Jessica brought the kids to Sarnia fed them supper and brought them to the hospital and got them back home and in bed
8:30 pm until Matt and I got home with Charlotte was Grandma

It worked out perfectly and Vaughn and Greta didn't seem to mind a bit that I was gone.

Ok Back to the hospital . . .

When I got to the hospital I was still have irregular contractions but  nothing too serious.  I was 4 cm dialated all ready so I was glad that the false alarms at least had been useful!  I got hooked up to all the monitors when I had a contraction and Charlotte's heart rate dropped pretty dramatically.  It was a scary few minutes as they had me switching sides and making sure the heart rate came back up and could handle the induction drugs.  Once they were satisfied everything was ok they got the drugs started.  Nothing really got going though  until they broke my water and then everything happened rather quickly. 

All in all I was in labor for about an hour with maybe 14 minutes of pushing.  She was out very very quickly.  I can laugh now but looking back I handled Greta's delivery very well, I might even say with dignity.  There was no screaming or yelling of real significance . . . I'm not sure what was different this time but there was screaming and yelling.  I'm embarassed of how I acted now, you'd think by my 3rd I'd have been better prepared but I think I knew how long it could go on and how awful it is and that made me nervous that it would be hours and hours.

Charlotte ended up coming quicker than the nurses were prepared for, which I blame myself for.  I knew I was getting ready to push, I could feel it but I was afraid to ask the nurses to check me because I didn't think I could handle it if they told me I still had a long way to go.  So I left it too long and Dr. Rutledge had to rush to get there.  Too Much Information Warning  . . . I left it so long in fact that the nurses where holding Charlotte's head in waiting for the doctor while I so screamed like a crazy woman, "I don't care who gets her out, just somebody get her out."  My nurses who were absolutely amazing commented during one of my fits of "I want her out" told me, "Well they don't come with handles you know"  I love that there was humour even amid the screaming, I even managed to crack a joke inbetween pushing which made my nurse tell me it couldn't be that bad if I was still joking . . . but it was that bad I just have an uncontroable need to talk all the time. 

It turned out to be a good thing they waited for Dr. Rutledge because Charlotte had managed to get the cord wrapped around her neck twice.  Again can I say how fabulous the nurses were through everything, after each screaming fit I apologized to them for yelling because it's not their fault I decided to have a baby.

She arrive at 11:47 am weighing in at 6lbs 3oz, my smallest baby.  She has similar features of my other two but is also uniquely Charlotte.  Where my other two were blond from the start Charlotte is sporting dark hair.  Not wanting to jinx it but so far she seems to be my most mellow baby, although we'll see if that stays true once we are in Kitchener and there aren't as many hands to hold her and she is forced to get used to her crib, bouncy chair etc.

I love my little Charlotte and I am so glad she is finally here.  She grew 13 oz this week and is almost at 7lbs, which is a good thing but makes me sad because I know she is going to grow up on me.  I am doing my best to cherish every minute of each stage because it goes so very very quickly.  Welcome to our family Charlotte, you are the perfect fit and exactly what we needed.  We love you lots and can't wait to see what God does in your life and the woman you grow to be.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

38 Weeks

Posted by eljamieson at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Here I am at 38 weeks, well technically 37 weeks and 6 days but close enough for this blog. I can't believe the time is pretty much here, it feels like I've been pregnant for forever and not very long, all at the same time. While I am excited to meet her, to see if she is actually a girl, see what she looks like, watch her personality develop, snuggle my last newborn I am also not ready. I love being pregnant, yes I do grumble a bit and no I don't love heartburn or using the bathrooom every few minutes but being pregnant I love. It is such an amazing feeling when your baby moves around inside you, knowing that your body is creating a life that you will love without condition. With only 2 weeks left I've had a few moments where I felt done and ready to get her out but on the whole she could stay in a while longer, I'm not ready for this stage of my life to be done. Little girl I can't wait to meet you but don't be in too much of a hurry ok? Vaughn asked me the other day if she was coming soon because he wants to see what she looks like. The kids are getting anxious too, I think they think Mommy has been pregnant for ever. It will also be nice when Greta stops asking people to see the baby in their tummy, hopefully once the baby is here she'll lose interest in checking everyone elses tummy's. Although she'll probably have a new fascination with breast feeding which could be much much more embarassing I suppose :) My patience has been short with my amazing kids lately and I feel bad for that, hopefully these next two weeks don't continue to bring out the worst in me or else they really will be ready for the baby to get here. There are still so many unknowns but the Lord has also been so faithful. We have renters in our house that signed a 6 month lease which means we can start looking for a place of our own for November 1st. It will be nice to have some time at my Mom's with the baby because it means I will have lots of help in the first few weeks but I am also looking forward to starting our new normal. There are going to be bumps along the way as our new family of 5 figures things out but I am confident that it is all in His hands because well, He hasn't forgotten me yet. We are still waiting on a vehicle that can hold us all and I haven't decided where I'm going to deliver the baby yet but it will work out. Logically I should have the baby in Sarnia because it's closer but I love my midwife and would love to have that experience with my last delivery. But in the end the only things that really matter is that Matt makes it in time for the birth (he's 2 hours away) and that baby and I are healthy at the end. Pray with me for these things and the rest are just the makings of good stories for later on. On Thursday I was 1.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced (sorry for the details) which means I am on my way to meeting our new bundle . . . hurry up and slow down please. I can't wait to add you to our family, you are already deeply loved by so many!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

School Open House

Posted by eljamieson at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Tonight I got to go to Vaughn's school open house. It was very cute letting him show me around the school I attended for 9 years of my life. He seems to really love school and I am so glad. He's made a friend who he calls his buddy, I'm not sure he's the best influence but I keep reminding him how Mommy and Daddy expect him to act at school and praying he listens. Mrs Bandla is his teachers name, I felt bad for her because she didnt recognize Vaughn when we came into class. I don't blame her at all she has had just over a week to get to know both jk classes and Vaughn had his patch on which he never wears to school. I tried to subtly help her out, 'Vaughn say hi to your teacher'. She told us that he sits and pays very good attention during story time which would explain why he comes home and tells me the entire story they read that day. She pointed out that he has a very good memory, which for me isn't always great because he remembers everything, lost toys, promises made etc. She also noticed his perfectionist tendencies. It can be very frustrating working with him, if he makes a mistake or something doesn't turn out just how he wants he won't work on it anymore. Mrs Bandla said she reminds him that school is for learning and making mistakes and that is why they have erasers. Hopefully he will be able to let go of his need for everything to be perfect. He showed us his journal, his art work, where he plays and the time out chair. I love that little boy so much and I love to see how well he seems to be adjusting. I am so proud of how Vaughn is doing. He can sing me the new songs he's learning, tell me the stories he hears. He can spell and write his name. I knew he was ready for school but it surprises me how fast he seems to be picking things up. I can't wait to continue to watch him learn and grow.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Helping Daddy

Posted by eljamieson at 11:58 AM 1 comments

Labour day weekend turned into an actual labour day for Matt as he helped my sister and brother in law build a deck on the back of their house.  What was going to be a one day job for John got complicated when they took down the old deck and found everything they had planned on reusing rotted and no good.

Matt came down on Saturday night to spend some time with us which worked out perfectly so he could help John with his deck.  Sunday after church, John and Matt took Vaughn on a guys adventure to Home Depot to pick up all the supplies.  I don't know if Vaughn stopped talking the whole time, while getting his shoes on and into the truck, he was talking as fast as he could get the words out.  He came home with his very own real hammer and measuring tape so he could help the next day.

Monday morning came and I loaded the kids up to go over and check out the progress John and Matt had made.  We managed to slow down the work for about an hour while the kids 'helped' build the deck.  Thankfully noone really seemed to mind all the extra 'help'.  My Grandparents surprised us and came by to see how things were going.  We had an impromptu lunch of Salmon and Tuna sandwiches, pickles, cucmbers and homemade tarts and cookies.  It was perfect, just like how I remember Saturday's growing up.  My Grandparents coming over and we would all have a simple lunch together but now I get to share it with my husband and kids.  I couldn't have asked for a better day.

As much as I joked about moving because the weather was awful that wasn't why I left.  I loved my life in Edmonton and as they days go by I find myself missing my friends more and more.  But labour day Monday with my family was exactly why I moved back.  Seeing my Grandpa showing Vaughn how to hold the hammer and everyone being together is worth it all.  The move hasn't all been easy, we don't have our own place, I miss my friends, my job and my life but I would do it all over again even if it was only for one more day like Monday.  You only get one chance to be with your family and life is too short to waste.  Thank you Lord for a perfect labour day!

First Day of School

Posted by eljamieson at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Vaughn has successfully managed his first day of school.  I think that Junior Kindergarten was all he hoped it would be!  It was very strange to walk my son to my old school and have him line up in my old school yard.  It was surreal, something I didn't think I'd ever experience but good old Queen E came through and gave him an awesome day.

I had my alarm set to get up early on his first day to make him a special breakfast.  I'm not really into making big breakfast's, I usually serve 'typical' breakfast foods for lunch or supper but I decided his first day of school deserved to be different.  When I got out of the shower I was very surprised to hear Vaughn already up waking up Daddy and I was even more surprised that he not Greta had been the first one up, proof that he was just a tad excited.

After his special first day of school pancake breakfast we got dressed, got his lunch box out of the fridge, put on our shoes and walked outside.  We then quickly walked back inside to put on jeans, it was freezing outside!  How often is the first day of school cold enough to wear jeans, usually  you buy your back to school fall clothes and then have to wait to wear them because it's too warm.  Oh well, his outfit wasn't what I had planned but at least he was warm. 

First Day of School Pancakes are 'Taaaaasty'

After a little photo shoot out front and running back in because Greta needed her Minnie lunch box we loaded the kids into the wagon and we were off.  Of course we were a little early because I'm just like that.  We found the door, checked in with his teacher and helped him say hello to a few of the kids in his class.  The bell rang and my throat got a little tight as we helped him line up along the fence.  Matt and I got a quick hug and kiss and off we went without looking back.  Grandma yelled, "have a fun day" as he was walking away and without evening looking back he yelled, "I will!"  He was so ready for this and I was so proud of how he handled it.
All ready to go!

Family picture!
So grown up and ready for school!
Greta not happy that Vaughn got to go to school without her
I got a little teary but Greta saved me from crying because she was NOT HAPPY that her brother was leaving.  She cried and cried that we had to get Vaughn.  It was absolutely adorable and heart breaking at the same time!  It is nice to know that despite all the fighting and bickering she does really like her brother.  She got over her sadness pretty quick when we got home and she discovered that she could play with the iPad without having to share it.  Matt and I also took her to Tim Hortons and on a special trip to the library, I think she got over being sad pretty quick.

On our way back from the library I wanted to stop in and check on Vaughn but they were out having recess so I resisted.  3:00 took a long time coming but I was so glad when we were able to go get him and bring him home.  He loved his first day and asked if he could go again and again and again.  I know that in a couple of weeks when the excitement wears off he might not be as excited to go but for now I'm enjoying the fun. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Settling In

Posted by eljamieson at 3:32 PM 1 comments
I've been absent from my blog lately and it's not because there aren't things to say but because it's hard to know where to start.

The kids and I boarded the plane on August 12th to begin our first step in our new life. I didn't cry when we left but my heart felt heavy. It was surreal to walk away from my house and my life after so many years. But as much as I was sad to go, without Matt with us Edmonton really wasn't home anymore. If our family is not together then we are not home and in saying that I still am not 'home'.

The kids and I are settled in at my Mom's and having a great time. I can't begin to thank her enough for allowing us to come in and take over her house and essentially her life for an undefined period of time. I don't know what I would do without her and I am truly truly grateful. It's nice to have any extra set of hands and a babysitters just a phone call away! Tonight we are celebrating Tyler's birthday and I actually get to be a part of it which is what I wanted from the beginning. We have been to the cottage, spent time with my Grandparents, next week I'll see my Dad and other Grandma. The kids are doing swimming lessons starting on Monday adn the next week Vaughn starts school. Life is great here but we aren't home yet.

As I said before home is when our family of 4.5 is all together again. In seeking the Lord and talking with good friends I get the sense that the Lord is on hold with the sale of our house. That something needs to happen in our hearts and lives to see that release. I am praying that Matt and I can continue to seek the Lord and find that as we grow closer to Him and put our focus on Him that the other details will fall into place.

Being in Ontario is great and actually seeing Matt even if it isn't everyday is wonderful. Now I am praying that our hearts and minds will be focused on the MOST important thing.

I have lots more fun stories and posts and I'll hopefully get to those this week but this what has been on my heart and what I want to remember. And after all as much as I love that other people read my blog it is really for me to look back on someday and remember where we've been and how we got where we are.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Posted by eljamieson at 7:10 PM 0 comments
With only 2 full days left in Edmonton I am realizing that I haven't done a very good job at saying goodbye.

There are so many friends that have been a huge part of my life here in Edmonton that I won't get a chance to say goodbye to. That makes me really sad but it is really my own doing. I hate goodbyes, I hate the tears that come and the sadness I feel so I've been avoiding them. I didn't really tell many people on Sunday it was my last Sunday. There were so many people I would have loved to have hugged and had that goodbye with but I just couldn't bring myself to go through the emotional experience. I hope that someday I don't look back and really regret this.

What I really hope is that my friends know how much they have meant to me. I was blessed to be a part of a wonderful group of women from the church. They took me in and befriended me and I will always be grateful for that. Just knowing these woman has changed me for the better and enriched my life. I am not naming anyone because I would for sure leave someone out and then feel awful but with my whole heart I thank my friends for being just that my amazing friends.

Matt and I have had amazing friends that have loved us and loved our kids. We have spent meals together, evenings together and loved just being the real 'us; with them. Warts and all these families have accepted us. Again in my emotional immaturity I have neglected to say a few important goodbyes. It's not a lack of love, I just don't think I'm really ready to say goodbye . . .

So, Edmonton I have 2 more days and a few goodbyes left that I can't avoid and I'm not looking forward to. I have loved my life here and leave a stronger and better person than when I arrived.

Love to you all!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Greta Turns 2

Posted by eljamieson at 10:36 PM 0 comments

Greta's birthday has come and gone but lucky girl that she is still has lots of celebrating in her future. With the move and house selling and single parenting going on I'm afraid Greta's birthday didn't get a lot of fanfair, but don't worry I carried enough 'Mommy guilt' about the lack to make up for it. There are quite a few summer birthdays in our family so when we get to Ontario we will celebrate everybody including Greta.

I had originally planned to do nothing for her birthday and do it all in August as a family but as her birthday drew closer I knew I couldn't do nothing. It's not everyday my girlie turns 2 and even if it's a small celebration she deserves it. If life were normal I would have done a Winnie the Pooh hoopla party so instead I decided to do cupcakes with pre-made Pooh toppers. 8 stores later and I was still without my toppers. Seriously, who is in charge of marketing! A brand new Pooh movie came out the same week as her birthday and there were no party items to be found. Good ole Walmart came through for me with some Winnie the Pooh birthday candles that did the trick!

Wednesday is our Mom's park meet up so I made the cupcakes a day early and we took them to the park. A very inspiring round of Happy Birthday with my girlie and cupcakes enjoyed by all. Ironically we ended up at the exact same park as last year that I took muffins to and celebrated her birthday. The next day on her actual birthday we spent the morning at Kindermusik, which for Greta is the best way to spend a day. I made her mac and cheese for lunch, one of her favourites, Vaughn and I sang happy birthday and enjoyed some Winnie the Pooh topped cupcakes. Presents from Grandma, Great Grandma and Bompa and Uncle John and Aunt Jessa rounded out the birthday celebration. She ended the day with pizza and Miss Cheryl (add to the Mommy guilt I went to a movie without her on her birthday).

This week as her birthday treat I am taking the kids to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. Hopefully Greta enjoys it because she's the reason we are going. Good movie, good food and good friends, what more can my girlie ask for . . . well maybe her Winnie the Pooh cake I'll be making her in August. Hope everybody else is ok with having a Pooh birthday cake :)

Greta is pure joy. She is my little sunshine. She is goofy, and silly and she knows it. She loves to laugh, sing, dance and generally just enjoy life. I love her snuggles, hugs and kisses that she gives so generously. There aren't many things that Greta is scared to do or try, she loves all animals and wants to do everything her big brother does. She has become Vaughn's shadow in the past few months and it is amazing to watch how she has gone from a baby to a little girl. I think she has grown up faster than Vaughn, due to her insistence on keeping up with everything he does. I love her desire to try everything but I wish she could slow down and be my baby girl a little longer. I think she is going to be a great big sister, since she already hugs and kisses my tummy and tells the baby she loves her. I can't wait to see who she becomes and I pray that she seeks Jesus with all of the passion that I know is within her. I have a feeling that there won't be many things in life this girl won't/can't do if she chooses to. I love you so much Greta!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Well that broke my heart a little . . .

Posted by eljamieson at 7:14 PM 1 comments
Yesterday we had our very last Kindermusik class with Mrs. Wiebe. I was really looking forward to the day and the kids were too when we left the house. On the way there Vaughn asked something about Kindermusik and I told him this was our last class. He asked a few more questions and then moved on to something else. I thought no more of it until today . . .

Before I tell you what happened today I have to explain what a horrendous time we had at our class. Mrs Wiebe was great, the class was great but Vaughn was in full on melt down mode. He screamed and cried and I had to take him out of the class several times. I wasn't sure what his problem was, I thought maybe he was getting Greta's cold but he seemed fine, I thought maybe he was tired but he had a good sleep the night before. I was at a loss and COMPLETELY exhausted after the class and embarrassed by Vaughn's behavior. We finished the class, loaded into the car and headed home and Vaughn was fine after that. He was back to his old self . . .

Fastforward to tonight in the bathtub. The kids still had their Kindermusik stamp on and Vaughn asked if it was going to come off in the tub. I said yes and he asked if we could get another one at our next class. I paused for a second thinking what to tell him, I could just say yes but instead I went with the truth. I told him that was our last class with Mrs. Wiebe so we won't be getting another stamp until we find a new class when we move.

It took 2 seconds to realize I should have just answered 'yes' because the waterworks and hysteria exploded! He started crying but I'm going to miss Mrs. Wiebe, I don't want another Kindermusik class, I want Mrs. Wiebe. Who will we sing our songs with . . . I don't want a new teacher (when my answer was a new teacher). I want Mrs. Wiebe!

By the end of this crying session him and I were both sobbing and soaking wet because I pulled him out of the tub to hug him. He was slightly happier when I told him we would see Mrs. Wiebe on Friday but not much.

I'm thinking now that his behaviour on Tuesday, while still inexcusable might have been his 4 year old way of processing his last Kindermusik class. Mrs. Wiebe has become a very important part of my kids lives over the past few years. They have loved and looked forward to every class (even when I felt like I was dragging myself to go), they run and hug her when they see her at church, they talk about her at home. She has loved them and they have loved her back wholeheartedly.

Mrs Wiebe we love you and please know that a little boy and little girl are going to be missing you very very much come September when we try out a new Kindermusik class. And next time he asks, don't judge me but I might lie :)

He looks a bit like he's faking her but this was his face after I finished hugging him.
I assure you the tears were no fakes!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Here we go

Posted by eljamieson at 10:20 PM 0 comments
I am actually going to book tickets for the kids and I in the next couple of days. I'm having some mixed emotions. One the one hand I am SO ready to move on, be with Matt, be with my family and put this behind us!

But on the other hand, this creates a sense of finality I have yet to allow myself to embrace. I looked around my beautiful house tonight and felt sad in my heart. I will have a house again, probably not like this one but a house is just a house and without Matt here it isn't enough. As cheesy as it sounds I want a home and a home only comes when we are all together. Although having Vaughn tell me he doesn't want to leave this house because he likes it so much isn't helping my resolve!

I have lived in Edmonton for I think 12 years now give or take a month or two and for the most part they have been some of the very best years of my life. Edmonton has been good to me and I will miss it here. This is where Matt and I started our life, where our first two babies were born and I will miss my friends, my church, my job, I will even sometimes miss the weather (shocking I know). I don't do well with new things or change and this is a big one. I feel like hyperventilating when I click on the Westjet website. If the house were sold I think it would be easier because I would know when I'm going to have a place to call my own again. For now my Mom's house will be home and I am so very very grateful to her for letting us stay. Looking back I'm not sure if I actually asked her if we could come or if I just assumed it would be ok. Sorry Mom, hope it's ok because it's too late to back out now :)

I anticipate a lot more tears in the next 3 weeks. Which is saying a lot considering I cried because the grocery store was out of something the other day. But there is treasure waiting for me at the end of it all. Matt and I will be in the same province again and eventually in the same house. Our kids will enjoy some love from grandparents, aunts and uncles and have one less anticipated change coming. My newest baby girl is getting closer and closer to making her appearance and I am getting very excited to meet her and this move gets me closer to her.

I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now and it is probably safer for everyone that you not ask me how I'm handling everything because I will most likely start blubbering even if I'm feeling the best I've ever felt in my life.

So, Edmonton, here is my first, oh my goodness I'm actually leaving for real good bye post . . . feel free to skip reading the many more that I'm sure to are to come (I find writing these to be a good way to clear my head before bed, sorry if I bore those of you that read them).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Another one negative one . . . sorry!

Posted by eljamieson at 9:49 PM 2 comments
I can't believe that I'm actually in countdown mode now. I have 3 Sunday's left and that is just weird. I don't know that I'm excited to be honest there are things I'm excited for but there are so many unknowns that it's hard to know what to feel. I didn't know it was possible to feel such polar opposite emotions equally at the same time!

I can't wait to see Matt again. I miss him so much, the kids miss him so much. I just miss normal everyday being a family. I miss feeling settled. So, I will be glad when we are in the same province again and can start to build our lives together. I am looking forward to seeing my family and getting a few weeks of Ontario summer!! Seeing family in BC will also be a nice treat on our way to Ontario.

It seems though that the things I'm struggling with seem to be outweighing the good things right now. Here are a few of the things that are causing stress in my life as the countdown gets closer (these are in no particular order):

- My house isn't even close to being sold
- I haven't figured out how to load my car onto the moving truck
- I don't know exactly what day the moving truck is coming which is causing the following issues: when do I book tickets for, who is going to help me load the truck, what if I get stuck here for 2 days without anything
- I haven't started packing yet
- I don't know where I'm going to be living when the baby is born so I don't know where to plan for this baby to be born
- Not knowing where home is going to be and not feeling settled
- Getting medical records, dr.'s referral's and all the other odds and ends
- Matt has steady work being self employed but I don't have a job and his doesn't have long term security and we are increasing our family by one
- getting a vehicle that will allow 3 car seats across
- Matt is missing our last pregnancy
- Saying good bye to my life here in Edmonton
- Constantly wondering if we are making a mistake . . .

Just to name a few small things :)

It will work out, everything will be fine, someday I'll look back and laugh. But today, today I worry and stress and wonder if God really is working out all the details like I keep telling myself He is. I keep telling myself I'm going to stop writing these negative blogs but sometimes this feels like the easiest way to get it out.

Everything will work out because it has no choice, I just need to make it to the finish line. If our house would sell I think all the other details would seem less daunting . . . so Jesus please, please bring the right person along to buy our house.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Canada Day 2011

Posted by eljamieson at 1:46 PM 0 comments

I love Canada Day! It's just one of those day's set aside to do nothing but have fun!

This year we headed to the beach with the George's. It wasn't really the best day for the beach but we still had a great time. The wind was fierce so the kids played at the playground most of the time instead of the water, it was fun to get away for a few hours. I also love picnic lunches and all the snack food that comes with going to the beach :) I don't have many days left to spend with Chris, Lori and the kids so I was grateful for the morning of relaxing together.

After the kids napped in the car we had a simple supper of peanut butter sandwiches. Beaumont was having an event in the park within walking distance to our house so we decided to check it out. I had no red (at least clean) to put the kids in so I felt kind of bad that we hadn't truly embraced Canada Day but what can you do. When we got to the park there were giant board games to play, music, bubble machine and free cake. After singing O Canada I felt like I had actually celebrated the reason for the day instead of just having fun. Greta was exhausted from our beach morning but Vaughn had a blast. We stayed for just over an hour and then headed home. The kids were passed out in their beds by 8:30, I managed to stay up to watch the fireworks from the comfort of the bonus room.

Why does cake taste so much better when it's free?

Greta on the dance floor at the Beaumont Canada Day Party!

I feel truly blessed to live in Canada, no it is not perfect but we have freedom's that people in other countries don't have. I am grateful that the Lord has placed us in this wonderful country, God Keep Our Land!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kid's Don't Come Cheap

Posted by eljamieson at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Since our time in Edmonton is getting shorter and shorter, I've decided to get as many checkups and dr.'s appointments out of the way. I figure it has to be easier to do it when I know my way around and have relationships with the doctors.

This week was Greta's followup appointment at the foot dr. Since she started walking it has been very obvious that she toes in when she walks. It doesn't stop her from being my little monkey but she is pretty clumsy. I am choosing to blame the clumsiness on the feet and not on anything she may have inherited from me.

I had her looked at when she was about 14 months old and the dr. told me to wait and see if it would correct itself by the time she was 2. It has clearly not corrected itself (I would even say it's worse than ever) and we are now headed in the direction of getting orthotic inserts for her shoes.

I am very glad to be getting things fixed. She is also 'flat footed' which nothing can fix but the orthotics should correct the toeing in. My dr. here suggested that we wait until I am settled in Kitchener to find a dr that can see her care from beginning to end, which makes sense. Luckily after an email to Tracy and Arlene I have found a dr that should work. Now I just have to see if my dr. will give me a referral to see this dr. because he only takes patients with a dr.'s referral. Add one more thing to my list.

Between Vaughn's glasses and Greta's orthotics I'm realizing that these little munchkins don't come cheap. Not to mention I have to get Greta's eyes tested once we are in Ontario because there are good odds she'll need glasses too. It's a good thing I love them and I'd do pretty much anything for them!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Soccer Trophy

Posted by eljamieson at 4:18 PM 0 comments

Vaughn's first soccer season wrapped up this rainy Saturday. It was all set to be a very exciting morning of 2 soccer games, jumpy castles, face painting and bbq.

What really happened is that I waited too long to see if everything was going to be canceled due to rain, making us late for his first game. It drizzled/rained for both of his games, luckily they are only 20 minutes each. I have to say that the kids really improved over these few short weeks and for entire minutes you could actually mistake what was happening on the field as a soccer game! Vaughn has been doing really great and even getting in there and trying to kick the ball. For a fairly non-aggressive kid, I'm proud of him and his attempts at soccer.

While watching the games I realized that Matt and I are so obviously not die hard soccer parents. There is a British family on Vaughn's team and the Dad kept encouraging his 4 year old son to tackle the opposing team whenever they had the ball. And I give credit, the kid had an amazing slide tackle, however the kids are four and I say if they are even running in the right direction near the ball they are winning so perhaps encouraging your child to take out the other team might be a bit early. I was relieved that I wasn't the coach having to deal with that!

At the end of the game, the kids ate a soggy snack and recieved their trophy's and pictures. The kids all sat on the bench while Coach Mike handed them out to each one. Vaughn learned that it's tough to have a name that starts with V as he watched all the other kids get their trophy's ahead of him. At one point he looked at me and said, "I played good too Mommy?" He was pretty thrilled with his trophy and can't wait to show it to his friends.

We skipped the bouncy castle and hoopla at the other field because I didn't feel like standing in the rain. We had celebratory hot chocolate at home instead. Vaughn wanted to show Daddy his trophy so bad but we had to wait until 8:00 when Daddy was home from work. One proud little boy showed Daddy his new trophy! Vaughn couldn't believe that it even had his name on it!

All in all soccer was a success this year! We are looking forward to trying it again next year.

Vaughn #6 on the Green hornets taking on the vicious Purple Plums on one of the few nice mornings we had

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy-less Father's Day

Posted by eljamieson at 9:29 PM 0 comments
We didn't get to celebrate the amazing Daddy that Matt is today but that's ok because we are going to have a family day when we are all together again.

I do want to say how blessed I am to have Matt. He loves Vaughn and Greta more than words can say and those feelings are returned. I wouldn't ask for anyone different. He is an amazing man and a phenomenal father who is involved in his kids lives. He knows their personalities, their likes and dislikes and genuinely enjoys getting down on the floor and playing with them. He goes to skating practice and even sat in on a kindermusik class just so he can stay involved in their lives. He works hard and misses out on fun things, new toys and the latest gadgets in order to keep our expenses low so I can stay home as much as possible with our kids. I appreciate that so much!

I know he is missing them these past few weeks but he does it because he is willing to make sacrifices and do hard things to put our family first. Nobody in our family is perfect, not me, Matt or the kids but God has given us what I think is pretty close.

We love you Matt and we miss you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Rough Week

Posted by eljamieson at 9:44 PM 0 comments
This past week has been a rough one for me emotionally. The longer this goes on the more emotional I become and this week too many things happened at once. I found myself pushed WAY over my emotional limit and I am struggling to get it all back under control.

I cried out to God for help and He answered me. No my house hasn't sold but He did remind me I am not alone. Zinnie agreed to watch the kids for me while I get some blood work done (thank you thank you thank you, an hour in the lab with the kids would have been too much.) Lori blessed me by taking my kids and giving them a fabulous day on Monday even though little Emi is still recovering from surgery and she fed me supper. Cheryl offered to watch my kids on Thursday so I can get a hair cut. Rachel is watching the kids Thursday night so I can have a much needed night out. And then I get a phone call from Heather asking if she can take my kids for a few hours some time to give me a break. There are many more that have encouraged and blessed me this week, too many to name really. I even got an email commending my positive attitude which that person may have taken back if they had seen me in my darker moments this week :) but the email was perfectly time to remind me that how I handle the things that come across my path is a choice.

Things aren't easy but my problems are minuscule in comparison to those around me. My prayers are with friends and family that are struggling with bigger things. My heart is sad for them. I know that lots of my posts are about how hard things are for me but this one is really just a recognition of the amazing people I have in my life here in Edmonton and how sad I will be to say goodbye to them all.

Thank you Lord for seeing, hearing and answering me!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Town and Country Daze

Posted by eljamieson at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Beaumont has Town and Country Daze every year. Last year we took in the parade on Saturday but since we live here I thought we should take i
n a few more of the festivities this year. There was a bbq and petting zoo being held in the Sobey's parking lot on Friday night so I decided to take the kids. I told Vaughn we were going and he was surprisingly excited in-spite of his fear of animals.

It was such a blast, lots of waiting in line but worth it. The kids were amazing, waiting mostly patiently in line for their turns. We started with the jumpy castle and then hit up the petting zoo. It has only been in the last year that Vaughn has decided that he is not scared of dogs but I wasn't sure if that lack of fear would cross over to goats, sheep and chickens. Greta was ready and willing to go and chase every animal in the pen. They had a sitting area where the kids could sit and hold bunnies. Greta was ready and willing to hold the bunny, pet it, squish it, kiss it and generally love the life out of it. Vaughn was not so sure, so I plopped him in a chair where he was content to sit and watch the bunnies. Greta and I headed off to check out the other animals where she proceeded to pet everything that came in her path, even the turkey!

We headed back to the bunny area and to my surprise Vaughn asked to hold a bunny. It turns out he loves them. He couldn't get enough of holding them, I was so proud of him! We held bunnies for the rest of our turn and then headed out to see what else we could do.

Another bouncy castle and the fishing pond brought us to supper. We waited in a VERY long line for our hot dogs and had a picnic on the grass. After that we hit up another bouncy castle and then headed over to the pony ride. Vaughn was sure he didn't want to ride but Greta had been asking me since we saw them if she could ride. We waited in another very long line but eventually got to our turn. One of the workers offered to walk with Greta so I could keep Vaughn on the other side. I think Greta had so much fun, though I don't know if it was any different for her then riding the rides at the mall but maybe. She stayed on the whole time, not one fuss or cry!

Vaughn asked to go back to the petting zoo after that. I was ready to go home but I was so surprised he asked I agreed. He was amazing he petted every animal in the pen. I couldn't get over it, my scared little boy suddenly got brave!

It was an amazing night, I am so glad we went! I love my kids and I love doing fun things with them.

Spoke to Soon

Posted by eljamieson at 7:37 AM 3 comments
Last night after writing my blog about Greta in her big girl and how great she is doing I headed off to bed. As always I checked on the kids. Vaughn was sound asleep in his bed, no problem.

I open Greta's door and this is what I found

Pausing for a minute I figured she had to be somewhere and there she was.

I'm not sure if she fell of out bed and just ended up sleeping here or if she just decided the floor was a better place to sleep but it was pretty cute. I ran to get the camera and snapped a few pictures and I hear this little voice from under her bed saying 'cheese' everytime I snapped the camera. It was so cute and so funny because she was mostly asleep but still willing to pose for her close up.

I put her back into her bed and I think she stayed there the rest of the night.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Posted by eljamieson at 10:51 PM 0 comments

I can't believe that my baby girl is growing up. It seems in many ways to be going faster than Vaughn, probably because she spends most of her days trying to do what her big brother does. With all of the changes coming our way I'm trying to ease the kids into some of them early. I'd been thinking about converting Greta's crib into the toddler bed for awhile but just wasn't sure I was ready. Ready in the sense of I anticipated hours of putting her back in her bed until she finally collapsed from exhaustion and slept in her bed and so did I.

On a whim on Wed. I decided just to do it, get the transition over with so when we move she is ready for her real big girl bed. I took the railing off and set it up and then called her into her room. She was so surprised and so proud. She loves Vaughn's bed and often when I would tell her it was nap or bed time she would head to Vaughn's bed to try and sleep. She could also be found reading books in there from time to time so I had a hunch she might be ready.

Her face says it all, so happy!

She was just so excited and proud to have her own big girl bed. I hadn't thought about a pillow when I converted her bed. And intitially she was a little disapointed I could see it in her little face. Vaughn asked where her pillow was and I said I didn't have one. Her little face just got sad, like she realized she wasn't getting the full big girl bed treatment. Luckily I remembered Vaughn's extra pillow and the quilt I bought had come with a decorative pillow case. Once I pulled that together it was as if I had given her the best present in the world. She was content.

Loving her pillow

I let her explore her bed for a few minutes and then told her it was nap-time and she had to stay in her bed. I gave her bunny, blanket and some books. I didn't really think she would stay in her bed or that she would sleep. I heard lots of talking but no footsteps so I knew she was staying in bed. The talking lasted awhile but she did eventually fall asleep and have her first nap in her big girl bed. After she woke up we had to call Daddy and tell him and then all she wanted was to read books in her bed. It was so ridiculously cute!

Ready for her nap

Just hanging out in her bed

I wasn't so sure how bedtime would go, maybe I should put more faith in my kids! I put her in and then closed the door but left it open a crack because I wanted to be able to peek in on her. She thought the open crack meant she was free to get up and do what she wanted. After she emerged in the hallway I took her back to bed and told her she had to stay. There were a few tears but she did it, she stayed. I anticipated and early morning wake up call but I actually woke her up at 7:30. I know I keep using the word proud but it is just such a good description of how she's acting, proud that she slept all night in her big girl bed.

Enjoying her first night's sleep in her bed

I have to say I am supremely impressed by how well she's done. I left all her books and toys in her room so she has the full temptation of getting up to play but so far she is staying in her bed. This was such a fun thing to do, I feel like I gave her the best gift in the world. She just keeps talking about her bed and her room. Just when I think she can't get any cuter she does. Man I love that little girl!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eye Patches aren't just for Pirates Anymore

Posted by eljamieson at 6:29 PM 0 comments

I took Vaughn in for a followup appointment with the eye doctor today. I wanted to see how he was doing and make sure everything was in order before we move. After the initial exam using the pictures to assess how he was doing it looked like the glasses were working. Dr. Keddie asked me if he knew his letters and numbers well enough to try that test. I said he did and sure enough using his good eye he aced the first chart. Then came his bad eye and it was immediately evident that he is not seeing properly out of his left eye still. He was trying to move away from the shield on his good eye so he could see and he got almost all of the letters wrong. Little smartie pants had figured out the basic outline of the pictures and since they only use 5 different pictures it was easy for him to correctly guess which one it was.

I have to admit my heart sank a little. I know that a patch is not the end of the world but I really wanted him to avoid it. He has to wear it a min. of 4 hours a day to a max of 8. The Dr. and I both agreed that it is better to do this in the summer so that there is a reduced chance of him having to wear it at school in the fall. It's not really like a pirate patch it is a medical patch that is essentially a big bandaid he wears on his eye.

We started this afternoon because the sooner we do it the sooner we see results. He was initially very excited because I told him he got to be a pirate everyday. We went to the store and bought a box of eye patches and he proudly carried them home and asked to put it on. However once it was on everything changed. He wanted it off almost immediately, then when I put his glasses on overtop he started crying that it hurt. He has a mosquito bite very close to the patch and it was irritating the bite. My heart broke in two when big crocodile tears started rolling down his one uncovered eye. The crying didn't last long and by the end of the 5 hours he was fine. We found a place to order reuseable patches with cool designs, they are actually based out of Petrolia believe it or not. He has picked out a mickey mouse patch so I'll order that and that might make it a little more fun for him.

The Dr. also told me to get Greta tested as soon as we are settled in Ontario even though he had originally told me to wait until she was three. Apparently Vaughn's lack of response to the glasses and the fact that it is usually hereditary I guess made it wise to get her looked at sooner rather than later . . . this could get expensive if I end up with 3 kids with glasses and patches :)

I know that Vaughn will do fine with the patch and I suspect that tomorrow having to wear it won't even phase him because that's the kind of kid he is


Posted by eljamieson at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Matt and I have agreed that 3 is it for us, after this wonderful addition we will be done. I whole heartedly agree with this decision and because I know this is my last pregnancy I find myself feeling a little sad and nostalgic.

Being pregnant is such a wonderful thing, I love it. I have been blessed with (so far) 3 pretty easy pregnancies. Now that I can feel our baby moving around I remember how much I miss that afterwards. I love getting bigger and enjoying the big belly, I love feeling 'special' when I'm pregnant, like this magically thing is happening. I can't wait to meet this baby girl but I will be sad when it's all over. The anticipation of when she will come, what she will look like, what her personality will be like is such an amazing blessing to experience. I know that I shouldn't complain because not everyone gets to experience this once let alone 3 times but I can't help but feel a little sad that it will be over in a few short months.

Not having Matt here to experience our last pregnancy makes it hard too. I want this baby to turn her head and look when she hears Daddy's voice because she recognizes it from the 9 months she was inside and I'm afraid that won't happen. I know she will recognize Vaughn and Greta because they have decided that talking to baby is fun. Vaughn continually asks her what she's doing in there and if she's having a good day.

On the plus side when it's all over I get a precious little baby girl to hug and squish for a little while longer because it is becoming increasingly apparent that my baby girl is not a baby anymore (insert sad face here).

I can't wait to meet you baby but let's take our time enjoying these last few months!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sometimes things feel hard

Posted by eljamieson at 9:52 PM 0 comments
I keep getting asked, how I'm doing. It's funny because I really have two completely different answers.

I find that have adjusted to being on my own with the kids. Yes there are days when an extra hand would be nice and I'm sure they would like a break from me when I get a little crazy. But all in all we are managing. I watched my Mom raise my sister and I and so I know that I have it in me. It's interesting how quickly this has become my new normal. I'm sure if I didn't have such supportive friends and family I might not be feeling this way but I do. I know that in terms of doing it alone we will survive this. I think that Matt has the worse end of this situation because he is missing the kids and all the amazing, funny, frustrating and cute things they do on a daily basis. I am actually a little more nervous of getting my control freak ways under control when we are all together again as a family and letting Matt back in. We'll figure it out, he might just need to be a bit patient with me, it's my way or no way around here and it might take me a few days to adjust :)

The other side is not so good. I am done. I am done with not knowing, with waiting, with stressing over all the financial aspects of this move. I'm done with trying to have faith that it is all in God's hands. I say that I'm done but I hope you understand this is just an emotional rant, I am not truly done. I pray with the kids every night that Daddy will find a job he loves, that our house will sell and that our family will be together again. I know that God sees us and knows every detail and how it will all fall into place. I am trusting Him, but I think I'm allowed to struggle while trusting. There are minutes and even hours and days where I want our old life back, where Matt worked at ATB and life seemed simpler. We have lived in uncertainty for awhile now and it's getting old. But we made this choice and this is what we want for our family and nothing happens without sacrifice. And so I will continue to cry out to God and ask for help and truly believe it is safely in His hands.

I find myself consumed with prayer lately but not just for me, for a former co-workers grandson that is in the hospital struggling with heart problems, for a friend whose is waiting to hear if she is still pregnant, for my family, for so many other things. And that is good, it reminds me that my problems are not so big and it's good not to focus on myself so much.

But just so you know don't be surprised when I give answer number one to people when they asked, I don't like admitting my weaknesses, fancy myself superwoman most days :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Defying the Odds - Baby Girl #2

Posted by eljamieson at 11:15 AM 0 comments

I am a bit of a control freak, I like to have things planned out and know what's coming, it's just how I am. So, yesterday's ultrasound caused a bit of stress since there are no guarantees I'd be able to find out what we are having, case in point Greta kept her back to the ultrasound tech the whole time for hers and I had to cry to get another appointment :)

I headed to the ultrasound, trying to keep my hopes in check. With Matt in Ontario, Lori came with me to the appointment and I'm so glad she did. It was way more fun doing it with a friend than alone. I ended up with students doing the exam, which is fine it just takes a looooong time, over an hour. Poor Lori had to sit in the waiting room the whole time, I was feeling so bad for her. It was really fun to watch the students though, baby was in a 'funky' position as they kept saying and were having a hard time. She was also squirming all over the place, so watching them trying to catch the arms in the right position for the picture was funny.

They finally went and got Lori and it was time. I had told them I wanted to know but not until Lori was there. They gave me no indication of whether they could tell the sex or not so it was really fun waiting. We saw her little arms and legs. One of her arms was up over her head and she kept moving around. Then they finally told me and honestly I don't think I've ever been so shocked. I was convinced it was a boy, I don't know why I just was. After they told us they can't be 100% sure, blah, blah, blah, they did tell me they saw it from many different angles and the actual ultrasound technician checked all their findings so I'm feeling pretty confident.

This branch of the Jamieson clan are defying the odds and having girls, incase you didn't know they are a bit of a rarity in the family. I couldn't be more happy, still a little surprised but very happy. I was looking at girly bunk beds online last night and figuring out what to do with Vaughn's old clothes. I'm going to sort through them keep my favourites just in case and get rid of the rest (I packed boy clothes when I went to the hospital to have Greta just in case). I'm excited for Greta to have a sister and praying that we make sure Greta doesn't get 'lost' as the middle child. Matt is a little unsure about being out number and Vaughn didn't want to have 3 girls in the family, he wanted to have 3 boys but they'll both get over it.

We can't wait to meet you baby girl, you are already extremely loved and a very special part of our family!!

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