Yesterday we had our very last Kindermusik class with Mrs. Wiebe. I was really looking forward to the day and the kids were too when we left the house. On the way there Vaughn asked something about Kindermusik and I told him this was our last class. He asked a few more questions and then moved on to something else. I thought no more of it until today . . .
Before I tell you what happened today I have to explain what a horrendous time we had at our class. Mrs Wiebe was great, the class was great but Vaughn was in full on melt down mode. He screamed and cried and I had to take him out of the class several times. I wasn't sure what his problem was, I thought maybe he was getting Greta's cold but he seemed fine, I thought maybe he was tired but he had a good sleep the night before. I was at a loss and COMPLETELY exhausted after the class and embarrassed by Vaughn's behavior. We finished the class, loaded into the car and headed home and Vaughn was fine after that. He was back to his old self . . .
Fastforward to tonight in the bathtub. The kids still had their Kindermusik stamp on and Vaughn asked if it was going to come off in the tub. I said yes and he asked if we could get another one at our next class. I paused for a second thinking what to tell him, I could just say yes but instead I went with the truth. I told him that was our last class with Mrs. Wiebe so we won't be getting another stamp until we find a new class when we move.
It took 2 seconds to realize I should have just answered 'yes' because the waterworks and hysteria exploded! He started crying but I'm going to miss Mrs. Wiebe, I don't want another Kindermusik class, I want Mrs. Wiebe. Who will we sing our songs with . . . I don't want a new teacher (when my answer was a new teacher). I want Mrs. Wiebe!
By the end of this crying session him and I were both sobbing and soaking wet because I pulled him out of the tub to hug him. He was slightly happier when I told him we would see Mrs. Wiebe on Friday but not much.
I'm thinking now that his behaviour on Tuesday, while still inexcusable might have been his 4 year old way of processing his last Kindermusik class. Mrs. Wiebe has become a very important part of my kids lives over the past few years. They have loved and looked forward to every class (even when I felt like I was dragging myself to go), they run and hug her when they see her at church, they talk about her at home. She has loved them and they have loved her back wholeheartedly.
Mrs Wiebe we love you and please know that a little boy and little girl are going to be missing you very very much come September when we try out a new Kindermusik class. And next time he asks, don't judge me but I might lie :)
Mexico - Saturday
1 month ago
Oh my...what an awesome complement to be loved for what I SO love! Real tears and a lump in my throat reading this. I'm currently living in denial that you all are actually leaving and that it will be different come fall.
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