Since it is now 'Facebook Official' :) I guess I should really have a blog post about it. Matt and I have apparently lost our grip on sanity and are having Baby # 3 sometime mid October.
Ok, I am really excited and I know that is going to be lots of fun as I get to watch my 3 munchkins grow up but I don't think I was this scared since I first found out I was having Vaughn. 3 is a whole new world and I'm afraid of messing up. I'm afraid of Greta getting left behind because she will now be the 'middle' child. Although in fairness I'm pretty sure Greta's genetic makeup will not allow her to be left behind she isn't exactly the sit quietly so you can forget she's there child :) I'm afraid I'm going to be too tired to give each of them all the attention they need. I'm afraid I'm going to be so tired from chasing 3 kids I won't have any time left for Matt. I am just plain afraid of failing I guess. Being a wife and Mom are the most important roles I'll ever have in my life and I want to do them well. Luckily I'm not alone and the Lord knows what I need to get through each day and what I need to raise 3 kids that passionately love him and love others.
Matt and I will figure it out together, one step and one sleepless night at a time.
Zack's High School Volleyball
1 month ago
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