Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Defying the Odds - Baby Girl #2

Posted by eljamieson at 11:15 AM 0 comments

I am a bit of a control freak, I like to have things planned out and know what's coming, it's just how I am. So, yesterday's ultrasound caused a bit of stress since there are no guarantees I'd be able to find out what we are having, case in point Greta kept her back to the ultrasound tech the whole time for hers and I had to cry to get another appointment :)

I headed to the ultrasound, trying to keep my hopes in check. With Matt in Ontario, Lori came with me to the appointment and I'm so glad she did. It was way more fun doing it with a friend than alone. I ended up with students doing the exam, which is fine it just takes a looooong time, over an hour. Poor Lori had to sit in the waiting room the whole time, I was feeling so bad for her. It was really fun to watch the students though, baby was in a 'funky' position as they kept saying and were having a hard time. She was also squirming all over the place, so watching them trying to catch the arms in the right position for the picture was funny.

They finally went and got Lori and it was time. I had told them I wanted to know but not until Lori was there. They gave me no indication of whether they could tell the sex or not so it was really fun waiting. We saw her little arms and legs. One of her arms was up over her head and she kept moving around. Then they finally told me and honestly I don't think I've ever been so shocked. I was convinced it was a boy, I don't know why I just was. After they told us they can't be 100% sure, blah, blah, blah, they did tell me they saw it from many different angles and the actual ultrasound technician checked all their findings so I'm feeling pretty confident.

This branch of the Jamieson clan are defying the odds and having girls, incase you didn't know they are a bit of a rarity in the family. I couldn't be more happy, still a little surprised but very happy. I was looking at girly bunk beds online last night and figuring out what to do with Vaughn's old clothes. I'm going to sort through them keep my favourites just in case and get rid of the rest (I packed boy clothes when I went to the hospital to have Greta just in case). I'm excited for Greta to have a sister and praying that we make sure Greta doesn't get 'lost' as the middle child. Matt is a little unsure about being out number and Vaughn didn't want to have 3 girls in the family, he wanted to have 3 boys but they'll both get over it.

We can't wait to meet you baby girl, you are already extremely loved and a very special part of our family!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

4 Years Old

Posted by eljamieson at 8:38 PM 1 comments
I can't believe that he's 4 already, it really seems like it was only yesterday that he was brand new! Much to his chagrin, he is still my baby boy and as I keep telling him he will always be my baby boy, although he corrects me every-time reminding me that he is a big boy.

Vaughn's personality continues to develop and I love watching it. He is emotional, serious, silly and thoughtful. I never know what is going to come out of his mouth next and often what comes out is a very thoughtful outlook on what has been happening lately. He is a thinker, he wants to know how everything works and why it works that way. He is kind and loves his friends! He is mostly kind to his sister and is his Mama's boy! Don't get me wrong though, he is extremely silly and lately has been trying his hand at knock knock jokes, he still has some work to do :) A song is never far from his lips and he dreams about what he will be when he grows up.

Everyday I am more and more blessed by him, his hugs, kisses and snuggles. I love watching him create and build, sing and explore his creativity. I can't imagine my life without him, I love him more than breath and I thank God every day that he is part of our family.

I love you baby boy, happy 4th Birthday!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Figuring out the baby in the tummy

Posted by eljamieson at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Vaughn: Mommy when I was a baby I grew in your tummy right?
Me: Yes
Vaughn: What did I do in there?
Me: You played and you slept
Vaughn: If I slept in there, then Teddy was in there with me too, right?
Me: I don't think so Vaughn
Vaughn: But I wouldn't have been able to sleep if Teddy wasn't with me

Apparently I carried Vaughn and Teddy in my tummy :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Movies to Daddy 5

Posted by eljamieson at 7:37 PM 0 comments

Movie's to Daddy 2

Posted by eljamieson at 7:35 PM 0 comments

Movies to Daddy

Posted by eljamieson at 7:34 PM 0 comments

With Matt gone I find myself taking lots of silly little videos of the kids doing everyday things. I send them to him so maybe he doesn't feel like he's missing too much. I'm putting them on here because I think someday I'll want to see these again.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Posted by eljamieson at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Vaughn has now had his first two soccer sessions, and this weeks actually got to be outside which was a nice treat. He really seems to be loving soccer which is good, I wasn't sure because he's not really the super aggressive kid and you need a bit of aggression for soccer.

What I didn't know about this soccer league is that they do mostly drills for the morning and then for the last 10 minutes they break up and play against themselves or another team if another team wants too. The drills are all parent lead with the coach explaining and then the parent doing them with the child. This is a really great way to do it and ensure that parents are engaging in their child's team. However I didn't know this when I signed up, I thought I would show up on Saturday morning with my lawn chair and watch Vaughn do his soccer thing, I shake my head now at the foolish girl I was.

Soccer involves me spending the 45 minutes doing drills with Vaughn (hope next years coach can correct all my bad technique) and trying to keep Greta from stealing the other kids balls and accidentally tripping Vaughn's teammates and parents. I again say I think that the format for this age is really good but I think I had thought Matt would be here.

They played a 'game' this week against the purple plums for the last 8 minutes and it was honestly like herding cats. The kids have no idea what they are supposed to be doing so each parent is trailing their child, yelling instructions, I bet it's hilarious to watch. Vaughn had a hard time because the kids weren't 'sharing' the ball with him, he couldn't get the concept that he just had to go in and try and kick it away from the purple team. He did manage to kick the ball a couple of times and one time he was the last one to touch it before it rolled through the net, so technically he scored a goal. Hopefully each week will get a little bit better as he gets the hang of it.

Little Miss Greta unlike her brother had no problem trying to kick the ball away from the other team and I had to keep pulling her out of the mix since it's not her game. Different personalities are so fun to watch develop. I love both my kids, my shy and tentative Vaughn and my go getter Greta. I was even observing at church today that when too many kids came into the nursery Vaughn retreated to the other room while Greta just seemed to get energized from it all.

What I really want

Posted by eljamieson at 4:31 PM 0 comments
This is what Vaughn told me he really wants

"Mommy, I wish I could stand on a real stage, being a rock star with a light on"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Posted by eljamieson at 7:57 PM 2 comments
It might be too soon to write about this and maybe I should wait a few more days for perspective to kick in but I feel like I need to get it out.

Since I lost 30 lbs last year my wedding rings have been loose but I didn't want to get them resized because I knew if we had another baby they would probably fit again once the baby weight started packing on. I've been taking them off when doing things to keep them safe but today, today I didn't.

The kids and I were playing outside and were quite dirty when we came in so we washed our hands. I don't remember my ring coming off but when I went upstairs afterwards and starting picking up toys I looked down and it was gone. I dumped the bin of toys I had been cleaning up to see if it had fallen off, not there. I went outside to check where I had been sweeping, not there. I checked inside the work glove I was wearing when picking up garbage, not there. I checked everywhere I could think of. Our friend Attila was outside so he came in and took the sink apart for me and my ring was not there.

Chris and Lori were over for supper, Chris put my sink back together and after they left I searched some more but I know that it slipped off when I was washing my hands. Here is the thing in a way this doesn't surprise me because I don't except much different. Hard, bad and difficult things seem to happen to Matt and I. Some are of our own doing and some have just happened but honestly if something bad is going to happen it seems to be to us. Don't get me wrong we are very blessed, we have two healthy amazing children and one more on the way. We have a car to drive, a roof over our head and food on our table. We haven't yet suffered a medical crisis and so we are blessed but at the same time bad things happen to us. It makes me sad that I don't expect any different. Maybe it's my own attitude that causes these bad things . . . the one good thing I can say is that Matt and I do always endeavor to handle each challenge with grace and a learners heart.

I know that we are to hold possession loosely and in the light of eternity it's just a ring and I am trying to remind myself of that. But I will never again have that ring. I still remember the day Matt gave it to me. I won't recount the proposal for you but never again will the ring that Matt gave me when he knelt down in the middle of the road, under the street light in my hometown grace my finger.

So, tonight I am sad and probably tomorrow too but I will still do what this family does and I will choose to see the blessing, learn the lesson and remind myself how the Lord sees me and cares for me and it is just a ring and though it is lost my memories will never be.

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