Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Flat Tires and Melt Downs

Posted by eljamieson at 8:17 PM 2 comments
I had a bad day . . . . two Saturday's ago was the lowest point of this new experience and while it was a low point at the time I can look at it and laugh now.

The kids and I were heading into the city for a quick trip to Toys R Us and then a stop at the church to finish up a few things before Sunday. While driving in I noticed that the car was really pulling but I was driving on dirt roads and really bumpy roads so I though maybe my tire was low so I'd check it when I got to Toys R Us.

We pull in to Toys R Us and I forgot to check the car because I accidentally parked too close to the car next to me and I got distracted. So, I was within my yellow lines but was very close to the car next to me, the driver's side was accessible for them and I checked to make sure there were no car seats in the back and since I already had Vaughn out of the car I decided to leave it and grab Greta and hopefully I would be out and gone before the other driver got back. We finished up in Toys R Us and I again thought I need to check my tires but was again distracted by the really nasty note that was left on my car. Ok, I fully admit that I was in the wrong, but I had started the day feeling, tired, sad, lonely and generally pregnant and emotional and I just didn't have the energy to reload Vaughn into the car and move over. So, I was in the wrong but the nasty note did nothing to help my state of mind.

From that nasty note I load up the kids and start driving when a man in another car starts pointing at my tire. Shoot I forgot to check my tire again . . . I pulled into a gas station and the tire was completely flat and I just lost it. A tire is not the end of the world but at that moment it was more than I could handle. I am sitting in the gas station parking lot with my kids in the back seat sobbing, almost hysterically. Vaughn is telling me it's ok and offering me his stuffed Kitty to help me feel better and Greta just kept saying, "it's ok Mommy". I pulled myself together and explained to Vaughn that we had a flat tire and Mommy was a little sad. Vaughn very thoughtfully explained that Mickey's toon car gets a flat tire and they just pump it back up. Thanks Vaughn.

After I sort of pull myself together I called Chris and Lori to see if I drove to their house if Chris would put the donut on for me. I could have attempted to change the tire but knew I was in no state to try that. I start driving and call Matt, he tells me just to go to the Kaltire and if it's a nail hole they will patch it for free. I gps the KalTire, and head that direction taking 3 wrong turns while still driving on a flat tire. How do you take wrong turns while using the gps you might ask, well I am terrible with north and south direction, I was stressed about driving on a flat tire and trying to see while driving, 'nough said.

I get to the tire store and manage to explain the problem while only sniffling pathetically but not sobbing so I considered that a victory. It was a 2 hour wait before they would be able to get to my tire. I once again call Chris and Lori and Lori agrees to come rescue us.

Lori, my kids and 2 of her kids and I headed to Payless where I found a pair of dress shoes for Greta on sale and then ate Taco bell which added a slight improvement to my day. Lori then took us back to her house where I attempted to put Greta down for a nap. But since I only planned for this to be a quick trip I didn't bring her beloved stuffed bunny that she needs to sleep. She screamed for an hour.

KalTire called to tell me that they couldn't fix my tire (shocking since I'd driving on it, in from Beaumont, note the sarcasm). They agreed to put the spare on for me so I could take the tire back to Costco since it was only a year old and under warranty. We loaded up the kids to drive us back when KalTire calls me again to tell me I don't have a spare in my car. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Costco replaced our tires last year for us and we had, had a spare on at the time. When we had them changed it was a nightmare, Costco lost the key to the bolts on the tires, although they swear they didn't and we had to pay $100 dollars to get them air blasted off at Canadian Tire. On top of that Matt and I did not check to make sure they had put the spare back in the car and apparently they didn't.

I managed not to cry on the phone and luckily because our tires were in decent shape they agreed to put on one new tire, instead of having to replace 2 or more. That day I was the proud owner of a $142 new tire.

My day did not end there as I headed over to friends house for supper so they could watch my kids while I went back to the church to do childcare during the Easter Musical.

This day is funny to me now because a flat tire is not the end of the world but being pregnant, tired and having Matt gone ended in my crying hysterically in my car. I am glad that day is behind me and hopefully there aren't too many more like that but if there are I'm sure a few days afterwards I'll be laughing :)

I'm Back

Posted by eljamieson at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Sorry for the long break from my blog. I have been computerless for the past 3 weeks and while I could do a blog from my ipad I find it annoying. My wonderful always come to the rescue friends have lent me their computer so I can do some work from home and as a plus I'll update my blog.

I believe it has been 3 weeks now since Matt headed east and I am happy to say that we are all still in one piece. It's funny the things you miss when someone goes away, some things are very sentimental and others are really selfish. For example I miss having my best friend around to talk to, laugh with and veg out with and watch mindless tv. I also miss, having someone to run out and pick up milk or stay with the kids in the evening so I can go get some work done.

There have been several moments over the past weeks where I've wondered if we have made the right decision. Some days have just been hard and stressful, I can't deny it. I've thought we are crazy and that Matt should just hop the next plane home but Matt has been my rock. He reminds me that this is what we want, what we feel we are do to and that things will come together. My family and friends have been amazing and we will never be able to repay all the kindness.

The Lord has proven so faithful to us and has been providing all our needs. I am so grateful and blessed. We are still praying for the perfect full time job for Matt, please join us in asking the Lord to open that door. We miss Matt terribly and can't wait until we are all together again!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Big Change

Posted by eljamieson at 2:52 PM 0 comments
There has been something stiring in our hearts for awhile and it's taken a long time for us to figure out what to do about it. That stiring has been regarding a very big move, a move to Ontario.

As most of you know I was born and raised in Ontario and only left when I came to Edmonton 11 years ago to go to school. When I moved here I never intended to stay, I actually meant to leave from here to the mission field and only return to Canada on small breaks every year. But life happens and takes shapes that you never would have believed.

Matt and I have been in Edmonton our entire married life, my first two babies were born here and I feel like this is where I took my first adult steps. My Mom, Tracy, Pastor Del and Arlene and I came out here together September 1999 to begin this journey and I find myself struggling with moving on. I am ready to be closer to family, I am for sure ready for better weather but my heart is fully entrenched here. We love our church, we love our friends and I love my job but something is missing. For me it's that my kids aren't growing up geographically close to any grandparents. My grandparents were such an amazing and important part of my growing up that I feel like my kids are being robbed of something truly precious. I know that close relationships can exist where distance exists but I want more.

I guess that is what it comes down to, I want more. Maybe I'm being selfish and asking for more on top of the already wonderful life the Lord has given us here in Edmonton but I believe that He has more for us.

So we begin this terrifying journey of ripping up roots and resettling. The most scary part is that Matt is leaving in 2 days to head to Ontario without a job. He has some contract work he can do and job interviews lined up for next week but we have no job and no means to pay our mortgage on May 1st. That terrifies me more than the logistical details of moving my life across country. I am trying to walk in faith and believe that if the Lord's hand is truly in this as we believe it is He knows our needs down to the last cent and we will be fine . . . for me this is much easier said than done.

We have tried for Matt to look for work while living here and even flew him out once to look for jobs but it's been really hard. In the back of our minds has been this nagging thought that maybe the Lord is just calling us to go. So, we are giving it a try. It is entirely possible that we will fall flat on our noses and end up back in Edmonton never really having left but we are attempting a step of faith . . .

I'm fighting back tears as I type and as I told a friend this morning I am psychologically removing myself from the idea of leaving here until the date is set and my bags are packed because I choose not to be an emotional wreck for the next months while we live in limbo . . . here we are back to living in the in between . . . if the Lord is trying to teach me something I hope I figure it out soon so I can stop learning this lesson :)

And in the words of the cheesy song that used to play on the tv while I was growing up
A place to stand
A place to grow
Ontari, ari, ari, o
Yours to discover!

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