Something unfortunate happened at our house awhile back, sometime that still causes certain family members to tremble and others to shake with laughter. Vaughn accidentally pooped in the bathtub last month and I confess to being the family member laughing. Mercifully Matt was bathing Vaughn that night and I was busy on the phone and couldn't help. It seemed funny at the time but as the weeks drag on and our child continues to being terrified to put a toe in the tub the laughter has died.
I just had to write this so I will always remember my little man in the bathtub, saying "there's no poop or goop in there Mommy" over and over and over again as his coping mechanism to get through his bath (gone are the carefree days of laughing and splashing in the tub). Or to remember his crying and laughing at the same time while getting rinsed off last night. Vaughn is standing in the tub while Matt rinses him off crying hysterically saying "there's no poop Mommy, Vaughn's happy." I tried to get it on video but I was too slow . . .my poor terrified toddler.
Tonight to save us all some grief, Vaughn had a shower.
Mexico - Saturday
1 month ago
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