Saturday, January 30, 2010

It goes something like this

Posted by eljamieson at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Here is what Vaughn sounds like when he's playing trains

Thomas: I need to click you Percy
Percy: Ok
Vaughn: Oh, No! cried Thomas
Vaughn: Cinders and Ashes; cried Percey

I love listening to him play with his trains!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Welcome to the Club

Posted by eljamieson at 6:21 PM 0 comments
It's official, Matt and I are 30 (deep breath, don't hyperventilate). I can't say that this is my favourite number to be turning, if it was up to me I'd be eternally 25. I don't feel 30, can anyone tell me what it's supposed to feel like?

I think the problem I am having with 30 is that I don't feel like my life is where I thought it would be. Does that make sense? I love my life I have 2 wonderful children, the husband of my dreams but somehow I just don't feel like this is where I was going to be. Maybe I thought I would be independently wealthy by 30 or maybe I thought I would be in my dream house feeling completely settled. I don't know where I thought I would be but somehow I just don't feel like this it.

So I think my goal for this new year of my life is to try and figure out where I'm supposed to be. What does God have for me? Am I hearing Him in the big and small things of my life or am I running ahead of Him and ruining His perfect plans? And besides trying to figure things out getting closer to my wonderful Saviour is never a bad thing. So here is to the year ahead, hopefully a year of reflection and growing closer to the One who made me!

My birthday dinner with the best family in the world.
Notice my birthday muffins, I wanted something so Vaughn could sing happy birthday (all I really wanted on my birthday) but nothing that would have leftovers . . . I have no will power :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vaughn playing with his Cars

Posted by eljamieson at 4:02 PM 0 comments
This is the conversation I just overheard while Vaughn was playing with his Cars

Vaughn:McQueen we don't hit, say sorry to Chick
McQueen: Sorry Chick, FOR hitting
Chick: Thank you
McQueen: Your welcome

So he does understand you aren't supposed to hit :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Posted by eljamieson at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Isn't it amazing how you can forget every scream, cry and sleepless night when your 5 month old is laughing hysterically at you?

Today I was reminded how precious the sound of Greta's laughter is and how I spend way too much time worrying, stressing and trying to figure out all her cries. Sometimes it's nice just to step back and enjoy.

So, to my smiley little girl, you are no longer an angry elf, you are pure joy in my life. I love my little Greta more than I understood I could and I can't wait to enjoy another day of laughter and tears.

There's no poop or goop . . .

Posted by eljamieson at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Something unfortunate happened at our house awhile back, sometime that still causes certain family members to tremble and others to shake with laughter. Vaughn accidentally pooped in the bathtub last month and I confess to being the family member laughing. Mercifully Matt was bathing Vaughn that night and I was busy on the phone and couldn't help. It seemed funny at the time but as the weeks drag on and our child continues to being terrified to put a toe in the tub the laughter has died.

I just had to write this so I will always remember my little man in the bathtub, saying "there's no poop or goop in there Mommy" over and over and over again as his coping mechanism to get through his bath (gone are the carefree days of laughing and splashing in the tub). Or to remember his crying and laughing at the same time while getting rinsed off last night. Vaughn is standing in the tub while Matt rinses him off crying hysterically saying "there's no poop Mommy, Vaughn's happy." I tried to get it on video but I was too slow . . .my poor terrified toddler.

Tonight to save us all some grief, Vaughn had a shower.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I have a nemesis . . .

Posted by eljamieson at 9:29 PM 0 comments
I have a nemesis, it's been a long standing rivalry and his name is Exercise. I have a friend (Kym it's you if you are reading) that also hates the dreaded exercise, she understands the loathing I have for it. I hate getting sweaty, looking like a fool and feeling bad when everyone around me is doing it and I'm not.

I have decided to conquer said nemesis and have gone to the gym twice. I know that doesn't sound like much but if you understood my terror of the gym and all the pretty skinny people you would be proud. I have determined that I am going to endeavor to go twice a week. So far Ashley has gone with me and I really do think that the horrible horrible exercise should only be done with friends. Will I run any marathons any time soon, no. But I will hopefully be healthier and maybe just maybe lose a few pounds while I'm at it.

Ok, there it's out there in cyber world for all to read and anyone to ask me if I'm still going. I'm an accountability girl, it works for me, I'd hate to not be doing something I said I would do . . . hopefully this works because exercise I will win!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A First

Posted by eljamieson at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Last night we took Vaughn skating for the very first time. There is something so poetic about skating on an outdoor rink and of course going to the one in Summerside made it even better.

I think Vaughn may have some Shaw blood in him, he took to skating like a fish in water, his Grandpa will be so proud. We didn't have his hockey stick with us but he really wanted it, a future Oiler I think.

It was so cute to watch Matt and Vaughn out there skating together, I don't think Vaughn stopped smiling the entire time. When it was time to go home he cried asking to put his 'skaters' back on.

I love family moments like these. I did decide we might have a problem when Greta is ready to start skating because whatever child gets stuck with me helping them will probably spend most of their time on their butt on the ice because my skating skills leave something to be desired. But we'll probably have a good laugh together while doing it :)

There aren't many things great about winter in Edmonton but last night was one of them.

Vaughn getting read to go!
Vaughn and Daddy Skating!

A very happy little boy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Poop Predicament

Posted by eljamieson at 2:00 PM 2 comments
I decided recently that Potty training may break me. As a parent I have handled vomit, sleepless nights, surgery, bowel biopsy's, cracked nipples, whining like I never imagined was possible and believe it or not going to Aquasize for a evening to myself but potty training is worse than anything else I've faced!

In my dear Vaughn's defense he is completely pee trained, he's a pro in fact and did it in less than 3 days. However pooping in the potty is a concept he either cannot fathom or chooses not to, either way I'm about to crack!

Enter my knight in shining armor aka Matt, Daddy and generally my hero. I had given up (I fully admit it), I figured he'll be 12 and still going in his pants. So Matt did what tag team parenting was designed for, he stepped up when I couldn't do it anymore. I am proud to announce that yesterday my child poop on his own accord in the potty. It was a day of rejoicing not known before in our house. The credit for this one is all Matt's I take no share in the glory!

So after a much anticipated trip to Toys R Us to get his reward (Henry the train) we spent a very uneventful day, and went to bed with dreams of a fully potty trained child . . . now back to the real world. Henry has been banished to the shelf in the bathroom after an accident this morning until Vaughn goes in the potty again.

So in case you are keeping score

Potty training: 1
Vaughn: 1 000 000 000 000 000 . . . .

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