Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Posted by eljamieson at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Well, I've been absent from the blog world lately. You might think it's because I have a 2 month old and am too busy but in reality our computer is broken and we've yet to get Internet thus explaining my absence. I have wifi from Matts phone for a minute so I'll do a quick update Charlotte is growing up way to fast! I was bathing her tonight and thinking how sad it is she is the last little peanut I'll get to bath and love. She is a really good natured baby, not sleeping through the night but also not up for hours screaming in the night! I just love her so so so much!Greta is adjusting well to the new house. Her vocabulary has exploded and she makes me laugh every day at the things that come out of her mouth. She is counting, recognizing colors and working on learning the alphabet. She is also turning into a little mother. Her dolls are quickly becoming her favourite toy as well as her purse, picnic basket and play food. We had to take her toy purse to school and out shopping this week. In the new year I need to find a program for her to do on one of the days Vaughn is in school. Have I mentioned how much I love my Greta? Full of life, joy and love, she is my sweetie!Vaughn has tackled his new school like a pro. He has a girlfriend, Kennedy at his new school. Most of his school stories involve her, it's very very cute! We had a few tears when I wasnt told about cookie day and so I didn't send money for him to get a cookie and over not getting his outdoor shoes on fast enough but he continues to surprise me with his adaptability to the curves we keep throwing him. He also loves our new church and going to the Wednesday night program. Miss Margaret does an amazing job with the kids at freedom! Have I mentioned how much I love Vaughn. He is constantly surprising me with how smart he is, reading small words, adding and colouring and creating at the craft station I set up for him. He is also my joy and my life!It has been so wonderful being together as a family. I missed our family! Matt has been learning how to install metal roofs and is working with another contractor on fixing up some co-op houses in Cambridge. The Lord continues to be faithful by providing work even though the weather has turned cold. Matt is in the churches Christmas production and worship team. We've met so many amazing people here in Kitchener. I'm adjusting too. I find that I am a bit lonely, missing Time for Ladies, Lori, Ashley and my job in Edmonton. But I've only been here a month so I still have lots of time to find a new Mom's program and connect. It had been so nice being back with Rob and Trac, I knew I missed them but I didn't realize how much until we are together again. It is also amazing being close to family. I've been in Kitchener a month and I've already been back to visit twice and I'm planning on staying a week over Christmas. Seeing my kids really know my Mom, Grandparents and sisters and brother in laws means so much! Quick update without too many details, hopefully after Christmas we'll have Internet and a working computer again. I'm attempting to sew the kids Christmas presents this year so I'm sure I'll have a full blog about the gong show that, me sewing turns out to be :)Merry Christmas!

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