Saturday, October 1, 2011

38 Weeks

Posted by eljamieson at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Here I am at 38 weeks, well technically 37 weeks and 6 days but close enough for this blog. I can't believe the time is pretty much here, it feels like I've been pregnant for forever and not very long, all at the same time. While I am excited to meet her, to see if she is actually a girl, see what she looks like, watch her personality develop, snuggle my last newborn I am also not ready. I love being pregnant, yes I do grumble a bit and no I don't love heartburn or using the bathrooom every few minutes but being pregnant I love. It is such an amazing feeling when your baby moves around inside you, knowing that your body is creating a life that you will love without condition. With only 2 weeks left I've had a few moments where I felt done and ready to get her out but on the whole she could stay in a while longer, I'm not ready for this stage of my life to be done. Little girl I can't wait to meet you but don't be in too much of a hurry ok? Vaughn asked me the other day if she was coming soon because he wants to see what she looks like. The kids are getting anxious too, I think they think Mommy has been pregnant for ever. It will also be nice when Greta stops asking people to see the baby in their tummy, hopefully once the baby is here she'll lose interest in checking everyone elses tummy's. Although she'll probably have a new fascination with breast feeding which could be much much more embarassing I suppose :) My patience has been short with my amazing kids lately and I feel bad for that, hopefully these next two weeks don't continue to bring out the worst in me or else they really will be ready for the baby to get here. There are still so many unknowns but the Lord has also been so faithful. We have renters in our house that signed a 6 month lease which means we can start looking for a place of our own for November 1st. It will be nice to have some time at my Mom's with the baby because it means I will have lots of help in the first few weeks but I am also looking forward to starting our new normal. There are going to be bumps along the way as our new family of 5 figures things out but I am confident that it is all in His hands because well, He hasn't forgotten me yet. We are still waiting on a vehicle that can hold us all and I haven't decided where I'm going to deliver the baby yet but it will work out. Logically I should have the baby in Sarnia because it's closer but I love my midwife and would love to have that experience with my last delivery. But in the end the only things that really matter is that Matt makes it in time for the birth (he's 2 hours away) and that baby and I are healthy at the end. Pray with me for these things and the rest are just the makings of good stories for later on. On Thursday I was 1.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced (sorry for the details) which means I am on my way to meeting our new bundle . . . hurry up and slow down please. I can't wait to add you to our family, you are already deeply loved by so many!

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