I've been absent from my blog lately and it's not because there aren't things to say but because it's hard to know where to start.
The kids and I boarded the plane on August 12th to begin our first step in our new life. I didn't cry when we left but my heart felt heavy. It was surreal to walk away from my house and my life after so many years. But as much as I was sad to go, without Matt with us Edmonton really wasn't home anymore. If our family is not together then we are not home and in saying that I still am not 'home'.
The kids and I are settled in at my Mom's and having a great time. I can't begin to thank her enough for allowing us to come in and take over her house and essentially her life for an undefined period of time. I don't know what I would do without her and I am truly truly grateful. It's nice to have any extra set of hands and a babysitters just a phone call away! Tonight we are celebrating Tyler's birthday and I actually get to be a part of it which is what I wanted from the beginning. We have been to the cottage, spent time with my Grandparents, next week I'll see my Dad and other Grandma. The kids are doing swimming lessons starting on Monday adn the next week Vaughn starts school. Life is great here but we aren't home yet.
As I said before home is when our family of 4.5 is all together again. In seeking the Lord and talking with good friends I get the sense that the Lord is on hold with the sale of our house. That something needs to happen in our hearts and lives to see that release. I am praying that Matt and I can continue to seek the Lord and find that as we grow closer to Him and put our focus on Him that the other details will fall into place.
Being in Ontario is great and actually seeing Matt even if it isn't everyday is wonderful. Now I am praying that our hearts and minds will be focused on the MOST important thing.
I have lots more fun stories and posts and I'll hopefully get to those this week but this what has been on my heart and what I want to remember. And after all as much as I love that other people read my blog it is really for me to look back on someday and remember where we've been and how we got where we are.
Mexico - Saturday
2 months ago