I have done some complaining over the past few weeks about living in a small space, I confess. . . and now I'm ready to apologize. We've been here for 3 weeks now and I'm learning somethings and learning things is really great.
It doesn't really matter the size of the place we are in, sure a bigger space is nice but we are doing great. The kids don't seem to notice we aren't in the house anymore, not once has Vaughn asked to go 'home'. We have less toys here, but they are not bored, they play in the space we have and are happy. I really don't mind the small space, there are inconveniences but it's not awful. My family is here, we are together and that is really what is most important.
There won't be a Christmas tree this year but that's ok, we'll do something else fun and creative and the kids will think that it's great. I suppose if the kids were older this may not be so easy but I'm truly grateful for where we are and how great we are doing.
Mexico - Saturday
2 months ago