Thursday, November 25, 2010

Home is Where My Family Is

Posted by eljamieson at 12:03 PM 0 comments
I have done some complaining over the past few weeks about living in a small space, I confess. . . and now I'm ready to apologize. We've been here for 3 weeks now and I'm learning somethings and learning things is really great.

It doesn't really matter the size of the place we are in, sure a bigger space is nice but we are doing great. The kids don't seem to notice we aren't in the house anymore, not once has Vaughn asked to go 'home'. We have less toys here, but they are not bored, they play in the space we have and are happy. I really don't mind the small space, there are inconveniences but it's not awful. My family is here, we are together and that is really what is most important.

There won't be a Christmas tree this year but that's ok, we'll do something else fun and creative and the kids will think that it's great. I suppose if the kids were older this may not be so easy but I'm truly grateful for where we are and how great we are doing.

There's room for bucket fun!

Room for generally silliness

Room for quiet reading

Room for baking cookies

So as you can see, there is room enough for all sorts of fun!

Friday, November 19, 2010

We're all done

Posted by eljamieson at 10:53 AM 1 comments
You know how when you get through a really busy, stressful time your body decides to get revenge on you for pushing to ohard and so it gets sick? Well that has been the past 2 weeks for us. Last Tuesday night I was woken to the sounds of my little man crying for Mommy which is extremely unusual he almost never wakes up in the night. Well it was the beginning of the stomach flu.

Matt and I got him cleaned up, pulled his mattress in the living room where Vaughn and I slept for the remainder of the night with 30 minute intervals of 'Mommy it's coming again!' Greta was then up all night because apparently if she gets woken at 2, she thinks it's morning time. . .gesh!

By 10 the next morning he was still sick but the throwing up was less frequent, so off course then I got it. I hate throwing up, worse than almost anything so it was a long 2 days for me but I survived.

When I got the stomach flu I felt like I was on the verge of getting a cold, I thought to myself a week later that I had dodged that bullet by getting the stomach flu. Nope the next morning I woke up with a sore throat, sore ears and feeling awful. Matt has also been feeling pretty awful with stomach aches and terrible headaches. We are generally a mess in our house. I saw my Dr. this morning and got a prescription for my cold that, as always, has turned into a sinus infection.

So far the kids just have runny noses and hopefully it stays there but our luck says they'll get the full cold like I have.

I keep telling myself, I will feel better in a few days, I will feel better in a few days, I will feel better in a few days . . .

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween 2010

Posted by eljamieson at 9:03 AM 0 comments

I know that this goes against how many of my friends and family feel but I admit that I love Halloween!

I don't love the scary, adult sillyness but I do love the kid aspect of it. Dressing up, handing out candy and getting to meet your neighbours are some of the best parts of the night.

Vaughn completely got Halloween this year and it was so much fun. We starting prepping him early about Trick or Treating etiquette. When we asked him what you say when you knock on the door my polite little man answered "May, I have some candy please?" And while I was proud of his polite answer I quickly filled him in on the fun of 'Trick or Treat'. In the days leading up he kept asking if it was time for the 'halloween walk' aka trick or treating. He would play pretend trick or treating, sometimes forcing Greta to play with him.

We carved our pumpkin family and Vaughn actually tried to get the seeds out this year, he hates getting his hands dirty though so he didn't try very hard :) Greta on the other hand had her hands right in the pumpkin, trying to eat the insides and putting everything I scooped out, back in when I wasn't looking :)

We've had our costumes planned out for awhile. It was a Sesame themed year with Vaughn choosing to be Elmo and Greta being Abby Cadabby. Vaughn loved his costume and surprisingly Greta kept hers on once we got out trick or treating.

This was the first year Vaughn has been allowed to eat any of his candy and it has opened up a whole new world for him. He will proudly tell you that he loves chocolate! Poor Greta is feeling extremely left out since she hasn't gotten any!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Condo Love

Posted by eljamieson at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Here is a list in no particular order of the things I love about the condo. I will choose to dwell on these things as the weeks go on

1. Every day is garbage day, no more forgetting to take the garbage out
2. Heated underground parking
3. Putting away the laundry was never easier. Take it out of the dryer, walk 5 steps to the room that holds all our dressers and closets
4. Seemingly never ending hot water
5. the most amazing bathtub I've ever been in . . . seriously people it's approximetly perfect

that's it for now but I'll keep trying to think of new ones as the weeks go on

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