Friday, September 17, 2010

Skating Lessons

Posted by eljamieson at 2:06 PM 0 comments

Daddy's little fan

Posted by eljamieson at 2:01 PM 0 comments

Here's our baby girl cheering for her Daddy's favourite team! Go Patriots!!


Posted by eljamieson at 1:59 PM 0 comments

This is Vaughn's first major owie . . . well since the never spoken off Pepsi Can incident of '07 (you can still see the dent on his head!)

I wish we could say it was from something cool like hockey but nope he was spinning in the living room and fell on the corner of the coffee table

Thursday, September 16, 2010

That's all she does

Posted by eljamieson at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Today Vaughn informed that all Greta does is eat, sleep and play! He was completely exasperated with her. When I asked him what he did all day, he didn't have an answer :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Got milk?

Posted by eljamieson at 8:23 PM 0 comments
I've been conducting an experiment on Greta this past month and think I have finally determined that she has some degree of lactose intolerance. My dr.'s told me she didn't but looking back I know now that I didn't aswer the questions properly because I didn't know any different. They asked me if she was extra cranky or irritable during the day or after having milk. Well, she got milk first thing every morning and then was generally a grump bucket for the next few hours but that is how she always was so I didn't know any different. They asked what kind of diapers she had and again I didn't know any different and so didn't give them any info that might have been useful in helping me figure out what was wrong with her.
When we got back from Ontario I decided to switch her to lactose free milk just to see if I noticed any change. We noticed a huge change! She went from crying every night in the middle of the night, sometimes so bad she was inconsolable to not hearing a peep from her. She just seemed happier, not nearly as grumpy, just my smiley little girl. After a few weeks and a couple new teeth I decided to switch her back to regular milk just to see. Matt and I were ready to sell her the first day, she was MISERABLE! Nothing made her happy, she just cried and had 4-5 disgusting diapers a day until her poor bum was bright red.

We kept her on regular milk for 4 or 5 days because I didn't know if her body needed time to adjust back to having lactose but nothing seemed to be getting better. We are now back on lactose free or goat's milk and that seems to be working great. She can still eat cheese and yogurt but life is generally happier if we keep her off milk.

I could still be wrong since I don't have an official diagnosis but I feel much better with the road we are on now. Poor girl and our cruel experiment but hopefully she'll be better for it in the long run

Baby Bird still lives

Posted by eljamieson at 8:21 PM 0 comments
In case anyone was curious Vaughn is still very much into the baby bird scenario. When we go out to our classes, church etc we tell him before he goes in that he has to be Vaughn and promptly on the way home he'll tell us that he is baby bird again. . . so funny and so strange.

I really do love my kids quirks and all they make life worth living
Posted by eljamieson at 8:04 PM 0 comments
The past few weeks have felt like they've gone by at warp speed! I can't believe we are halfway through September already, seriously what happened!

It feels like we have been super busy lately which must be true because every night I am exhausted when my heads my wonderful, wonderful pillow! It's been a busy time but for the most part a good time. All but one of the kids fall programs are up and running and because of that so are we. Skating started this week for Vaughn. He was hilarious, he was so nervous on the way there. He just sat in the car and wouldn't talk and stared straight ahead. I felt so bad for him! Once we got there and he saw all the other kids he did great! Hopefully by the end of the 15 weeks he'll have learned how to get from fallen down to standing up all on his own! Daddy went with us this week to video the event so here's hoping I know how to get the skates on right this week and that Greta doesn't managed to find her way onto the ice while I'm getting Vaughn ready. I'm only half kidding about that, she would try to conquer the world if I let her :)

Kindermusik started this week for both my kiddo's. Can I just take a minute to say that we love Mrs. Wiebe! She is so great with the kids and does such a terrific job that it is a highlight of the week for Vaughn and Greta. In the car on Monday I was telling Greta that she got to go to her very first Kindermusik class the next day, Vaughn then leaned over to her and said "Greta, we like Kindermusik." It was so cute and so very matter of fact. We'll see how it goes this week when I have to take Vaughn with me to Greta's class. I loved that this week I was able to do the class with just Greta and I. It often feels like I don't get enough Greta and Mommy time throughout the day. I know that is the plight of all mothers but I cherished the time the 2 of us had! Vaughn graduated into an older class and does the first 30 minutes of his class without Mommy. He was a little nervous when I explained that Mommy wasn't staying, when we got there he wanted to make sure I was coming up. And of course he went in without a hesitation, he gets nervous but always does fine. Heather says he was good and I'll have to take her word for it because the last 15 minutes I was there he was all over the map and very distracted!

This week we start a 'regular' routine. Lori will be watching the kids from around 8:30 - 4:30 on Monday's so I can work at the church. I didn't have to do a full day at the church but I thought it would be best to have a day to get as much done as I can. Hopefully this will mean fewer nights of me working so that I can tuck my little guys into bed. I know that they are going to do great but I am going to miss them. They are only this age for such a small window I hate missing even a minute of them. I am pretty lucky to have great friends that are willing to watch my kids just because they love us and a job that is flexible enough to work around my schedule with the kids. The Lord sees and takes care of us in so many little ways like making sure I'm home with my kids as much as possible.

Next week Time for Ladies starts up again and then our fall schedule will be in full swing. So many great things for the kids and for me too. I really am blessed!

Now hopefully I'll be writing next week to tell you the house sold!

Happy September Everyone!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vaughn singing in the car

Posted by eljamieson at 12:00 PM 0 comments

Greta eating her corn!

Posted by eljamieson at 12:00 PM 0 comments

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New job and New Adventure

Posted by eljamieson at 1:45 PM 0 comments
For the past few years I have worked on a VERY part-time basis at our church in the Nursery and 2 year old class. I taught every other week, cleaned toys, cleaned rooms and organized the curriculum. It was a great job,I could bring my kids with me and I loved doing it. My good friend Richelle was my boss overseeing all of the preschool ministries in the church, this fall Richelle took a teaching position at her school. This meant her position was available and was offered to me. So I am now the Pre School Ministries Director (whatever that means) and working 20 hours a week.

It is the perfect job for me! The hours are super flexible, I can work from home, after hours or bring my kids with me to play. I am doing 1 full day a week sans children just to make life a little easier. Last week was the first week I left them, and while it was with my terrific friend Lori (who I trust as much as myself with my kids) I still cried the entire way to the church. It's not that I don't love my job at the church and being able to pour into children's lives, it's that I want to be with my kids all the time. However, for this season, this is best for my family and really how many other people get to say they can bring their kids to work with them. I am super blessed by this new job and super terrified (I have some big shoes to fill). I don't think leaving them will get any easier but at least I know they are in a great place being loved by my great friend.

This also means I'm closing my dayhome at the end of September. I have only had 1 little guy for awhile now but we will be super sad to see him go. He is the best kid, Vaughn and Greta truly love him and he will be missed. I thought about keeping the dayhome going but it would be too much with the job at the church and my 'real' job being a full-time Mommy to my wonderful kids.

Now that I know what my fall schedule is going to be like I've been busy filling it up . . . yep I'm crazy :)

So here is the fall (plus the gym a few nights, the church a few nights, and working for the church in the afternoon while the kiddo's are quiet)

Monday - work at church

Tuesday - 10:45 Greta's Kindermusik

Wed - 9 - 11:30 Time out for Ladies at the Church
4:45 - Skating Lessons for Vaughn

Thursday - Home with my kiddo's

Friday - Gym and/or Morning at the church

Saturday - 10:45 Kindermusik for Vaughn

Sunday - Church

I'm tired already but I know that there are fun times ahead for the Jamieson's . . . pray my house stays clean with all the mayhem about to ensue :)

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