Friday, February 26, 2010

Counting Calories

Posted by eljamieson at 8:00 PM 0 comments
I've been counting calories for almost a week. That is almost all I have to say about that. I am feeling very motivated to lose some weight and decided that it is time to watch what goes into my mouth. Exercising has really helped me to think, if I eat that it would take me x number of minutes on the elliptical to work that off is it really worth it. I haven't weighed or measured myself since I've started and I'm almost afraid to because I so desperately want to be winning in this weight battle.

I don't completely hate my life yet but I am hungry most of the time. I set my calorie limit pretty low this first week and now after some evaluating I think I need to raise it a bit to allow for some healthy snacking throughout the day to keep my metabolism going and so that I won't want to hurt my husband and children because I'm so hungry :) The computer program I'm using is really helpful and I think this is something I could stick with . . . so I'm off on another challenge . . . I wonder how this one will turn out

Mini Vacation

Posted by eljamieson at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Matt had to go away for work again this week, Tuesday - Friday so . . . we decided to go with him! We asked his work if they minded if the kids and I crashed in the hotel room and they said no, so I loaded up the kids Thursday afternoon and headed down to Calgary to break up the long days of single parenting!

The hotel Matt was staying at has a really great pool area with slides, a toddler pool and hot tubs. Vaughn got to go down a water slide for the first time and he loved it! His first water slide experience was quickly followed by his first injury on a waterslide, he bumped his head going down the fast one and has a nice purple bruise. He picked himself up and headed back up ready to try again! Supper was at Boston Pizza where we hung out with Uncle Andrew and watched the Canadians Women's hockey team win gold, with Vaughn yelling "They scored!" every time the crowd got excited. It was a pretty fun evening capped off with Matt and I watching women's figure skating on the computer in the hotel bathroom so we wouldn't wake the kids up (don't know if Matt wanted it published that he watched women's figure skating but he did it for me because he's a great husband). Good memories!

Friday morning Greta decided she was actually going to start crawling (she's been flirting with it for weeks (1/2 rolling and 1/2 inch worming her way around) as she attempted to crawl off the hotel bed. Her crawl looks more like a wounded solider but that's all Vaughn ever did so we call it crawling in our house. I also discovered that Greta LOVES swimming if you do it at the right time, we where in the pool for almost an hour in the morning and she was all smiles while her brother jumped in and splashed her.

We ended our mini vacation with a trip to the Chinook Mall for lunch and Vaughn's first trip to Build a Bear. He picked out a frog to build and he did the whole thing, put his foot on the pedal, kissed the heart to fill it with love, brushed him, dressed him and helped fill out his birth certificate (gotta love gift certificates you save for just the right occasion).

This mini vacation was just what the dr. ordered! It was quick but full of fun and good memories!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Exercise update

Posted by eljamieson at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Well it's been over a month since I made the commitment to go to the gym twice a week and I am proud to announce that I have been successful in my goal. I think I can even admit that I hate it slightly less. I still hate sweating, and feeling like I want to die half way through and I'm pretty sure I'd rather give birth then do ab workouts but . . . I have perspective now. When I feel like I want to die I know that at the end I will feel great afterward. I lost 5 lbs to start and then gained it back so I'm not happy about that. I need to do a better job of watching what I eat, I think my next goal is no eating after 7:00 except on the Weekends.

So here's to me and small successes, if I keep this up for 2 more months I may just create a habit and wouldn't that be great!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Flowers for Mommy

Posted by eljamieson at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Vaughn and Daddy went to the grocery store tonight to get cream, coffee and ice tea before our small group came over. When Vaughn walked in the door he proudly announced that he had flowers for me. Matt then tells me it was all Vaughn's idea, they walked into the store and when he saw the flowers he said, "We should get flowers for Mommy". Matt told him maybe after the got the cream, so after they got the cream the first thing Vaughn asked was if it was time to get the flowers. He walked right up to the display and picked out the most beautiful pink roses, all by himself. Matt showed him some other flowers but he was convinced the ones he picked where the best, and I agree. He was so proud of himself when he gave them to me and I have to admit I think they are the best flowers I've ever received!

pictures of my f lowers to follow when my camera is working

Pray for Me

Posted by eljamieson at 8:23 PM 0 comments
I was talking on the phone with my sister this afternoon and Vaughn was tormenting Greta. So I sent him to the living room to play away from her and while in the living room he started to cry. Then I hear this little voice say "Pray for me, Jesus helps Vaughn". How can you be mad at him after that?

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by eljamieson at 12:42 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trains and Tinkertoys

Posted by eljamieson at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Vaughn's favourite thing to do now is go downstairs with Daddy and play trains and Tinkertoys. I think that Daddy actually has more fun with the Tinkertoys then Vaughn but I love that they spend this time together. Here are a few pictures of the boys playing

Vaughn's track that Daddy helped him build

A really happy boy!

Cool creation, seriously Daddy has ALOT of fun building with the Tinkertoys

Another first

Posted by eljamieson at 12:09 PM 0 comments
We have enrolled Greta in swimming lessons. We are hit and miss with the love factor but I think it's the timing. We were able to get both kids into lessons at the same time (again my love of getting two things done at once) on Fridays but it's right before Greta's bed time so she's usually pretty grumpy. She may be grumpy but she is off the chart in the cute factor in her little bathing suit.

Getting ready for her first time swimming!

Piggy Bank

Posted by eljamieson at 12:04 PM 0 comments
A few weeks ago Matt got the kids some piggy banks from work. Vaughn is now obsessed with his piggy bank, we have no change left in our house. Every day he makes the pig oink around the house and then tells me that his piggy is hungry. Today he was making his piggy oink, so I asked him if he could go to the store what would he buy with his money. He paused and then said, "more money." That's my smart boy!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Greta laughing

Posted by eljamieson at 12:32 PM 0 comments

Here is Daddy making Greta laugh at almost 7 months old

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Posted by eljamieson at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Vaughn got a new train on Saturday, not for any other reason then they were on sale at Toys R Us. He got Hank and Harvey, two very useful engines, who also happen to be in the newest Thomas DVD we borrowed from the library.

Matt and I asked Vaughn if Hank had a snow plow on the front of him because that's what it looked like and this was his reply, "No, it's a red cow catcher." We both burst out laughing how does our almost 3 year old know what a cow catcher is?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two for the Price of One!

Posted by eljamieson at 10:25 AM 1 comments
I love that Greta and Vaughn can now have their bath's together. It really does feel like 2 for the price of 1 and if you know me, you know how much I love getting 2 things done at once. Greta has also helped Vaughn get over his fear of the bathtub. Let's hope he never figures out that she probably pees in it everytime :)

It's fun watching Vaughn involve Greta in his play. After bath time, he is 'sooooo cold Mommy' and we run to his room and he jumps under his covers as he pretend shivers. Now he always tells me that Greta is cold too (although she is already dried and jammied) and he wants her under the covers with him. This is how they lay until I get Vaughn lotioned and into his jammies. They really are the cutest siblings! I can't wait until Greta is taking part in the fun too!

Vaughn, Greta and Teddy warming up after bath time

Monday, February 1, 2010

And so it begins . . .

Posted by eljamieson at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Greta turned 6 months old on January 21st, so on the 17th she began her love hate relationship with solid foods. Hopefully, Greta won't have the relationship I have with food but if she is anything like me she will, love the food hate, the extra cushioning it leaves behind!

I can't say that her first meal was overly successful or her 2nd, or 3rd or 4th . . . you get the point. She is not loving the rice cereal, maybe it's that she's watching us eat, taco's and roast beef while she's guming on rice cereal and if that's the case I can't really blame her. Hopefully she starts to like it soon, maybe once she gets a taste of sweet potato that will turn everything around for her.

Here are a few pictures of her first ventures into solid food

Pre food thoughts from Greta "I'm so excited this is going to be so yummy!!!

Post food thoughts from Greta: "I can't believe you just put that in my mouth!, No but really what is that?!?! You don't actually think I'm going to eat it, gross!"

"Ok Maybe if I try doing it myself and then bang my spoon up and down it will taste better"


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