Monday, December 7, 2009

My friend Daddy

Posted by eljamieson at 8:08 PM 1 comments
I read a book when Vaughn was first born that said boys eventually start gravitating to their Daddy's, choosing them over Mommy around age 2. It has started to happen around our house, usually the first thing Vaughn asks in the morning is where is Daddy? He often refers to Matt as 'my friend Daddy' (don't worry Levi you still hold best friend status) and wants to do everything with him. It is pretty cute although heart breaking sometimes as this morning as Matt was leaving for work Vaughn followed him around asking, "Daddy play with Vaughn?"

I'm not worried though he'll always be a Momma's boy and I'm proud of it!

Cheap Parents = Home Haircuts

Posted by eljamieson at 7:54 PM 2 comments
In an effort to be thrifty Matt and I decided we could cut Vaughn's hair ourselves and save $20, good in theory . . . . and good in practice! Matt did awesome, there are a few stray hairs but all in all respectable and Vaughn was a trooper as we experimented the best technique on him. I'm sure we will only get better with time!

Vaughn looking slightly terrified of what his parents were about to do to him

Matt looking slightly terrified about what he was about to do to Vaughn

Vaughn asking if he still had any hair left
(we think he really was afraid of his Dad's skills with the clippers)

The finished product!

Festival of Trees

Posted by eljamieson at 7:21 PM 3 comments
My best friend has long made fun of my love for doing cheesy seasonal/holiday stuff (although she is now a convert), for example our yearly trip to the pumpkin patch and cutting down Christmas tree's with my Grandpa. This year we added a new cheesy family fun tradition by going to the Festival of Trees.

We had never been before even though I've always wanted to go I knew that I could NEVER drag Matt there but he surprised me this year and suggested we go when we were offered a free ticket from his work. So we packed up the kids and headed downtown not really knowing what to expect and can I tell you it was AWESOME! The Shaw Conference Centre was full of amazing and beautiful Christmas trees including a Seasme Street Tree, Elmo and all. Vaughn go to decorate a mini Christmas tree, get a Santa hat with his name on it, go fishing and see SANTA all for the low low price of $20, that is my kind of family outing!
Vaughn showing off his Santa hat

Vaughn and I showing off our beautifully decorated mini Christmas Tree

Vaughn has been obsessed with Caillou lately and has been watching a DVD where Caillou goes to visit Santa. He was pretty excited when we told him while we were at the Festival of Trees he could go see Santa like Caillou, we practiced in line what we were going to say to Santa, "Merry Christmas, I'd like a train please" and he assured us he would sit on Santa's lap 'just like Caillou, Mommy." We were holding him back during our wait as he desperately wanted to run ahead and see Santa and then it was our turn and our very excited 2 year old was suddenly terrified of the very Asian Santa. We told the friendly elf to take the picture no matter what happened because we think that the crying ones are funny. With Vaughn clinging to my leg, Daddy gave Greta to Santa, which gave Vaughn the courage to sit beside Santa (he couldn't be out done by his sister) and sort of smile for the picture (we were so busy laughing at Vaughn we forgot to take a digital picture, whoops). I asked Vaughn if he wanted to ask Santa for anything and he nodded and then looking straight ahead he said "train please Santa" and then was done. He got his Candy Cane, petted Rudolph and then talked about how awesome Santa was even though he wouldn't even look at him.

Another classic family memory, for all of you in Edmonton I highly recommended making the trip down for the Festival of Trees next year!

This is a what we like to call "Proof Greta Came Too!" picture

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Posted by eljamieson at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Greta has been introduced to the world of the Exesaucer. She looks so little in it but she really seems to love it, although the toys drive her crazy, she wants to pull them off! You can't tell in the picture but she is finding the elephant toy very very fascinating!

Vaughn takes the role of big brother very seriously, he showed her how to work all the toys, her eyes followed him the whole time taking everything in. It was the kind of moment you would use to promote sibling love until . . . he made her cry because he was making the lion toy roar at her and it scared her and then he decided she shouldn't have that toy anymore . . . so much for the picture of love!

Look at me Mommy!

Posted by eljamieson at 11:32 AM 0 comments

This picture tells me 1 of 3 things . . .

1. This is why Greta's hat doesn't fit her head anymore
2. Vaughn may switch to Judaism when he grows up
3. He likes wearing hats with flowers

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Brother Talking a Story to Baby Greta

Posted by eljamieson at 9:12 PM 0 comments

Vaughn likes to crawl into Greta's play mat with her, he gives her kisses, pats her head and sometimes annoys the life out of her. This day he decided he needed to 'talk' (aka reading) Greta a story . . . the only problem is that he picked a giant hard covered library book that he promptly whacked her in the eye with. We quickly replaced it with a smaller book . . .

Hurting Toes

Posted by eljamieson at 7:52 PM 0 comments
I follow a few blogs and actually really enjoy seeing into people's lives (that's right I'm nosy) but what I think I like the most is that my friends will have memories and stories saved for them for years to come. I have made several attempts at blogging before but nothing was overly successful and I think that's because I thought I had to be a terrific writer and write for other people. This time I'm going to write for me so that I can have memories of my life, watching my kids grow up. So here goes . . .

Vaughn was looking at Italics and said "Mommy those are hurting toes." Vaughn has obviously been on the scratching end of those 'hurting toes' a few times. Vaughn has asked me several times where Italics is and I usually answer probably hiding from you so now if you ask him where Italics is he will tell you "probably hiding from me". I don't think they will ever be best friends but Vaughn sure does love that cat!

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